Sometimes the Universe says it’s time to take a “Time Out”. Mine came in the form of me splashing some water on my computer keyboard when putting my drink down when my screen was tilted slightly forward. I think was distracted as in on the phone too…so let’s learn from my error…Even seated and alone in a room at a computer is not a time to allow drinks within spilling range of the computer by the user or others. I could have put the drink on a shelf behind me or even on the floor. Some moments do not allow for a do-over. Life is not a dress rehearsal at times…other times it’s fine to dream or scheme out loud, review one’s past with help acting out the scene (and maybe playing the role of others to gain insight into What may have factored into one version of reality for someone versus another.) A friend shared that she and her wonderful husband of many decades and adventures around the world on a sail boat and hiking, were cleaning their boat in Europe. She was12 feet off the ground on the boat. She had a spigot she needed to turn on to get water to hose down the boat.

The spigot was stuck and soon she was literally flat out luck after forcing it to turn. The thing went wild with water pressure knocking her off the boat, sailing through the air as it were and landing in dangerous way. I’ll spare you some details she shared with us, but basically she broke her leg and needed emergency care due to serious bleeding as well.

Thankfully her husband was close at hand as was another fellow who was able to help her husband and call for medical help. She received good medical care, and is thankfully on the mend. When we hear of such sudden turns of events, we can take a moment to think a little longer and wider about the lessons we can all factor into our daily living and adventures.

Water is powerful, a force to be reckoned with and which can have its way whether coming in the form of heavy rains, rising lakes and rivers or water under pressure among other venues. If exposed to electricity that’s another concern, so finding ways to prepare to be in safer settings before storms or have the right support, cell phones and first aid and fire or water rescue equipment is a job for a team of people to review and implement. I share much in the post (one can google to find easily) called Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton (1993-2009, a teen hero and our beloved son.)

I am interested in working with others to offer a more formal outreach to address such situations and provide more safety and teamwork in the realm of parent, adult and youth agreements about reasonable activities and places to go versus those not permissible for safety and insurance (liability and danger.) Thanks for ‘keeping it real’ and taking time to set some public standards for safety in your area locally, socially and as you can even informally. Those networks and messages make a difference and can save lives!

Not to get too serious but I let the ideas flow and trust that the bigger meanings and the current times call for us to use our shared wisdom whether from over our lifetimes or new discoveries on earth or beyond.

I will share a recent Facebook post summarizing some wonderful highlights in the northwest CT and MA/NY tri-state corner area. I plan to encourage people to find ways to round out the coming weeks and new year with ways to socialize and ย work together more intentionally. Building on natural social and local networks as well as online groups, inspiration should be in good supply to lend a hand while still on land, find a friend to have support for any pursuits and projects and pull through with a shared appreciating for those in ones inner circles and wider ones too.

Thanks to all living their dreams and listening deeply to whatever teams are calling for their courage and contributions, to heal, feel, and deal with the personal and even professional efforts that help keep the world going round with a positive spin.

Hello to all of my friends from the Brooklyn NY area and tri-corner area from young to older…and to those who have journeyed on and those yet to come into the world. HugEnergy to see one another through and reflect on the ways all who have a little more can share and even find midldle ground to co-exist and thrive with peace and integrity, care and concern for all on the planet, and Mother Earth herself, guides and generations of caring souls and the divine as that may fit into one’s worldviews.