ALL Parents need to face the music that ‘kids can be up for grabs’ with rules and regs one cannot even imagine…Denial is helpful in ways, but never preparing for the ‘craziest turns of events’ is not a cure all or sound protective strategy…Knowledge is power.

Tune into some basics about our own ‘civil war’ playing out in courts and many homes and parental or intimate relationships (kids, pets, property and adults can all be put in peril by conflict, mental illness, drug use, and much more…and again, No One Warns Anyone…)

Sadly ‘getting legally married’ may not be the most practical thing to do since ‘getting divorced’ is the only way to undue the legal obligations of supporting one another, covering debts and so on…and it’s not a crime but many people end up arrested, with protective orders (if they are able and willing of such protection.) It just goes “on and on and on…” Right Under Everyone’s Noses…

In terms of national problems consider what No Lies Radio shares about 9-11…again, trouble for everyone but propaganda wins out for most…and more of the same can befall our world. Steven Greer is encouraging all to Take a Peek at Huge possible game changers of learning What’s What…So please Consider the Theories…and see more onΒ