On Friday, Jan. 18th, 2019 at 1pm I am listening to Dr. Brian Mowll on a free initial online slide show and talk about ‘not being able to solve the diabetes epidemic’. He shared a picture of himself at over 200 pounds and spoke of why he got motivated to improve his situation by losing weight (which he managed to let go of 50 pounds…) He tells it like it is in the mainstream medical community in terms of looking at diabetes as a chronic, intractable condition that wears a person down.
Medications are prescribed to manage symptoms to lower blood glucose levels..and those don’t address the root cause. He says to use medications to do that, but to get interested in fixing the root cause. Diabetes is ‘not just high blood sugar’ or caused by the high blood sugar (hyper-glycemia).
Pre-diabetes and diabetes is a problem about elevated insulin. That can lead to gaining fat around the mid-section including visceral fat which is most concerning. Insulin levels should be tested and managed properly. In Type 2 Diabetes one may have a condition of high insulin (which can cause fat and inflammation, harm to kidneys and brain.)
There is a condition of insulin resistance, where the cells are not letting insulin do its job well. The insulin allows for the blood sugar to be processed in the cells more effectively. He will explore much more, and don’t take my summary as spot-on. This is the gist of what I’m getting and hopefully you will explore more on his site. He shares that many special nutrients can provide a remedy for the underlying conditions…See more on his site www.brianmowll.com.