I had the pleasure of meeting Terah Cox almost ten years ago in Great Barrington MA. She was up at Crystal Essence giving a five-hour talk about her delightful book Birth Angels. I was eager to hear more and get a new perspective on that mystical experience of angels. Always nice to know someone who knows someone special. This took that feeling of a ‘friend of a friend’ to a whole new level. Her site is www.heavenandearthworks.com
She was quite down-to-earth and shared her story which I’ll let you glean from her website. The charts she has now (I imagine still and will check now that I’m thinking of it) are easy to use ‘once you get the hang of what it’s about.’ One can’t help wanting to ‘find one’s birthdate and small range of days it is part of. Then there’s a column for the time of day, every twenty minutes! In case you think that’s curious and kind of special, well it is. We are used to thinking of the hour in terms of half hours or maybe quarter hours..but a third of an hour…Twenty Minutes (counting from the top of the hour and proceeding clockwise?!)
That almost seems like Gaining another half hour…or something special. What is is part of is gaining a new appreciation for when you and anyone else for that matter was born, especially if you know the date and time.
Finding out which angel is overseeing that time and considering the insights she shares, based on very old books found in France when a building was under construction is a bit like finding a lamp with a genie in it. I’ve heard that analogy from a few others in various fields in terms of focusing our intentions or being open to the universe.
These ideas from Terah Cox are shared in her book Birth Angels. She suggested we do a basic chart for our family (of origin, or our children, or both.) Sometimes you may discover you are closer to people in your life than you think chance would allow.
Then again, maybe the possibility of sharing ‘birth angels’ who are on the same part of the chart (or aspect of the Tree of Life as the Kabbalah explores, using the analogy of a tree of a human being, with roots, trunk and head connecting with the divine.)
That is my Cliff note summary of the kind of insights that are introduced. We still have free will, so if someone has a capacity, there is still the choice to use it in a healing or hurtful way…towards oneself or others. So good to keep an open, clear mind and appreciate how complex, delicate and spiritual everyone may be. Hopefully I am within the guidelines of sharing my experience and not infringing on any of her material. This week, the angel of friendship covers the period from January 21-25th. There are special names she shares, so I’ll leave that for folks to research…and hope we can all be friends as this year continues..with many more to come. Peace, light and grace to one and all on our shared healing and helpful journey!