Great news to wrap up the month of January 2019, Marianne Williamson announced that she is running for President of the United States…and is leading the way for the majority of Americans (99% and as many 1%ers who see the light and want a more level playing field for Americans and even others, by pursuing peace and prevention rather than war and destruction as a winning strategy to join our collective life forces together in a meaningful, humane and profitable way.)
That’s my take-away from her inspiring talk, so give yourself a treat and listen to her speak online (with a quick google, and see her site which she’s run steadily with insights and calls to action for years.) She is qualified (maybe over-qualified but she wisely reminds us we are all of equal importance and that we mostly are out of balance from wrongs we’ve inherited.
The Time Is Now to make things more fair, to right wrongs of the past and give everyone, particularly the children and future generations a secure foundation in our nation and be a beacon a light for others around the world. We can do this together, and she espoused, only’s Not a One-Woman job, much as we intuitively know that if a woman can birth and rear a human being, she pretty much can do Anything.
That’s me talking but Marianne stresses the importance of mothers stepping into the leadership role to birth a new nation that nurtures rather than abandons their young and others. We all need each other. We are interdependent and all needed to play the game of success and co-creation of a new nation. Meanwhile back at the ranch, the idea of sending one person to ‘do the job to fix this country’ is not working and cannot work. The problems are too big and many.
That’s why Marianne Williamson, who is willing and able to use her vast experiences over a life time of worldly knowledge and inner human facilities to inspire our nation to learn and grow together, to create a new garden of resources and interest in joint efforts for mutual success as humans, not corporate take-overs which keeps the government in the role of a foot stool rather than a watchdog.
Citizens United Act turned corporations into voters essentially with no limit to the support they could contribute to political campaigns. The efforts to overturn that act have been many and running strong. We need to push harder for reform to get back to a government that reflects one that is of the people, by the people and for the people..that’s you and me..and all 300 million Americans.
We need a considered response to immigration issues and those seeking to come into this country. We will find reasonable solutions but need to talke ownership of the country as a caring, informed citizenry so we can help drive the bUS. Wishing everyone the best, particularly Marianne Williamson, as we embark on an exciting next leg of the journey to The White House at 1600 Pennsylvannia Ave in Washington DC.
Why not write her a congratulations card to send to her (and sign up to donate to her powerful campaign online) when she takes office? Seeing is believing, and believing makes things happen…see her in action today for a brighter tomorrow for US-All!