I’m sure everyone has heard of feng shui which translates I think into ‘wind and water..’ and the way things move relative to the nature of such flowing forces…I think there’s a lot to learn of one another’s cultures.. Online (and in person) Entrepreneur Business Coach Patty Lennon shared this with me and mentioned it’s ‘the year of the pig’ (and I think they all have mostly good attributes by the way…) Here’s the link…Feng Shui and The Impact It Has On Your Life with @LohanPatricia: http://ow.ly/B6ur30nzYrq
Sadly however, now that I think about it, some of the traditions or lore can get carried away in a very serious way. I think 1993 for instance was not deemed to be a good year to have kids..that they could be troublemakers or something along that line…and it resulted in many who placed their beliefs or otherwise followed that seriously to terminate their pregnancies (or worse which does happen in some parts of the world still…and maybe even all parts more than we know.)
I think I read of a few hundred having their lives cut short that year in a study. So again, while I share ideas from around the world and even the universe..which I have often done with my kids and now offer on my blog so it’s more up to a person’s choosing…please always think things through for yourself with a team of diverse, informed, caring thinkers and know the laws that may play a part in any choice one makes over the span of one’s lifetime. Many things need tweaking if not complete makeovers to reflect our modern times.
I light a candle and offer thanks for all the lives that are cut short due to superstition, even religious or other cultural norms that pressure a person (especially a woman) to make such difficult decisions or abide by them even if not of her choosing, or that of the parents. There’s a big world out there and a complicated one pretty much anywhere when we look beneath surface appearances and consider the legacy of a place, a group, a family, a school and community.
We are more like a garden or forest than lone oaks..so let’s lean into the positive forces to nurture the soil, plants, people, animals, wind (and air quality), water, food and energies on all levels to foster kindness, life and growth in healing ways. When difficulties arise, as they do whether medically, healthwise, lifewise (including unplanned or unwanted relationship dynamics, involvement or pregnancies or children) let’s hope we can find many people to think all options through (and ideally find ways to prevent ongoing conflict or unintended consequences…).
Hopefully everyone is finding a team of support with local and even online support groups and resources (even financially) to help move toward a balanced, ethical way of living and relating to the people and options in one’s life… Now, back to this more upbeat aspect of arranging one’s things for a more balanced life…