As more people comprehend the dynamics of power, control, brainwashing, cultural and religious influences…and the politics that ‘keep things in perpetual motion’, then we can collectively step into a more level playing field…
When people feel empowered as part of teams and not isolated and depleted, great things can happen…and even ‘small steps’ toward feeling and healing, allowing new support and pathways to open up and maybe (the eternal optimist in me) some mending (with lots of supervision and ongoing monitoring of agreements and not taking chances to have private interactions with tricky people, groups, places or situations.
Best to have a planning team and actual companionship to face any ‘deal making or tweaking’, any steps toward independence and ongoing monitoring of situations. The very big challenge is to have ways to protect one’s children in a custody dispute and the US Courts ‘are not there yet’…nor are the ‘follow up and support systems’ even if basic steps are initially achieved. The proposed US House Resolution 72 would provide an impetus for Every State to have all of its agencies prioritize the safety of children and victims of abuse (primarily mothers.)
These are public health matters and human rights issues, not only ‘personal matters.’ Much needs clarifying for all people, (family members near and extended, friends (near and extended), communities… (near and far as well as online.)
The greater consistency of empowerment for everyone to be treated with dignity and respect, for both personal, physical and emotional boundaries and free choice about ‘agreements’ and terms of interacting, the easier it will be for victims to not only ask for help but for advocates to help them understand help is needed and important. Thanks for tuning in as you can… see more about many topics on