When wanting to tune into what is going on in the ‘real world’, I turned on the television. The last person who watched it had it on C-SPAN2. Lucky me, I got the latest update…but not so lucky, the Climate Change Crisis is looming large, both the concerns and lack of discussion and proposals to address climate change.
More terms that I learned in Permaculture Basics (a 72-hour program over the course of 6 weekends in High Falls, NY –about 2 hours north of NYC– under the tutelage of Ethan Roland of Appleseed Permaculture (PC.) My project for that program introduced basic ethics of PC of earth care, people care and resource share and the PC principles is sketched out online in the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game and Circle of Friends.
The ideas to pull together and support one another are implicit in saving the energy and sharing resources economically as well. The larger ways to work with the land and feel we are a part of nature, not apart from nature, can be reviewed on 350.org.
The Senator Markey from MA made a strong statement that there is not a clear debate happening with scientific experts but rather a push for report findings underwritten by the Koch brothers for their own interests. The high cost of the Green New Deal of $93 Trillion dollars, with no clear way to pay for it. The Green New Deal wants the country to run on renewable sources in a decade…which does not seem possible.
The Senator from Arkansas is not for it and concerned too much government control would have negative consequences. He is promoting nuclear power use and even an increase in that. He also says thousands of energy jobs would be cut. He feels the Senate should reject it.
Now I will head to a yoga class offered in our small community by someone who drives 40 minutes to teach it. She found many health benefits from doing yoga when she was 50, so that’s about my hope at this time of my mid-50s. I am also taking a Life Enhancement Program offered previously through Canyon Ranch of Lenox MA in Pittsfield MA but now even closer in Great Barrington MA.
The main idea is to promote an intergrative health model focusing on doing more of what works to help a person feel healthier, happier and socially connected and with a clear purpose (or sense of life direction.) The model is one that many people could work to create in their own social networks, taking time to monitor their health parameters initially then measure again 12 weeks later (weight, BMI or measure of waist, hips, blood sugar levels with A1C and C-Reactive Protein, Vit D levels and iron level etc.)
Getting a snap shot of one’s daily routines and social supports, routine health check ups and overall journaling notes about life events and goals and social and work routines can help one become more aware of what it positive and what is needing some tending to or ‘changing or improving’.
Rather than look at things in terms of a Love/Hate dichotomy about what one likes or dislikes about oneself, looking at what one likes and what one would like to improve over time with small steps in the encouraging perspective people are invited to use for themselves and others. Ideally people will tolerate difference of opinions, beliefs and practices they may hear without expressing judgment or interrupting. Speaking one at a time helps each person have a way to contribute and express themselves in the whole group of about 12 people, or in smaller groups or pairs.
These ‘simple ideas’ can be very helpful. Other ground rules could include confidentiality about what is shared in the sessions and upholding HIPPA policies for those privy to each other’s medical or personal information.
Attending the sessions whether for an hour or up to three hours (which is what this program offers with a half hour break for dinner) and may include time to learn various kinds of exercise and meditation or healing modalities such as Reiki or acupuncture, herbs and hear what others find helpful on a list or other events and programs that may be helpful such as Toastmasters speaking clubs or Open Mics or OLLI, Older Learning League Institute or other adult ed short courses or online programs.
There are many ways to connect and get inspired. Finding balance in one’s day and life overall, keeping stres to a minimum with healthy boundaries to feel safe and supported on all levels would likely be discussed. Again if more people take time to craft their own groups, these are some ideas that can be helpful. Limiting TV viewing to an hour a day (or less) can help with dieting (and likely without advertising which often promotes poor eating.)
A simple idea anyone can try today is one I thought of the other day, inspired by something my Mom told me over thirty years ago and which I’ve discovered can be a handy help to practice even for fun without stress… Just say PEM and walk away from a conversation or situation as you may feel would be helpful to prevent a problem or to gain a sense of safety.
Let people know beforehand that if you say it, it is short for “Please Excuse Me.” You can use those words if you want to for starters, but ideally PEM would be at the ready to help you out..or even EM, for Excuse Me. Once more people are clear that is a healthy skill to have, many conflicts can be curtailed.
If you are on the phone with someone and things become agitated, it can be helpful to ‘hear a person out’ and even ask them to help you understand where they are coming from with their views, feelings or delivery. Again Allowing them to express themselves does not mean you are agreeing with them. You may gain important insights about their views or patterns of expression and make efforts to maintain safe boundaries. However they may have some points you may appreciate or want to consider.
You can tell them or not, then or in an email or other call or through a third person. Knowing your options and being aware of the concerns, even asking them to write things down and read it to you or send to you can be helpful However anything in writing or even spoken can be ‘used against the other’ or in a legal deposition or other legal matter if it comes to that. Ideally many people would have reasonable resources to help each person feel safe and acknowledged.
There’s more to think through on that but ideally everyone would know the legal boundaries for one’s person, home, possessions and any actions that might be legal to pursue (such as evicting a tenant if other deals such as paying for storage or rent even via a loan or fundraiser or other means) cannot be considered or reached.
All the best to having a special International Woman’s Day and being on Your Own Support Team (be your own best friend one wise friend suggests.) And be a team player for brighter days for you and yours and new people who can help make your dreams come true…even if some contentious people need to have less air time in your life or direct interaction. Ideally a third party could relay concerns or other support people be present if talk or interactions are necessary or tried in good faith with clear parameters for the interaction or event.