In the very off chance that ‘things were not as they seemed’…we likely would do well to reserve judgement when we hear of a crime or tragedy unfolding as to What Really Happened and Who Was Responsible for anything that unfolded… There are times when things look very convincing on the surface but further information is needed to verify whatever the first conclusions were. I had someone mention this idea to me in a general sense and even though this seems a fairly ‘closed case’ in terms of what happened, What IF that’s not the case… even when the fatalities are certain what transpired can be verified for everyone to comprehend what led to those and ‘who was responsible’..
Since the adults were in certain fields that may have implications to follow up on…just not easy to know at first..and maybe depending on details, will not be conveyed in a timely, clear manner. There have been cases where a supposed suicide was cremated the next day without having an autopsy done (here in CT) which normally would be required if a person did not die in a medical facility (and maybe even in view of someone for instance if they had gotten a dialysis treatment and died on their way out to the car.)
Even with the Sandy Hook tragedy, questions about the manner in which investigations were done were not to everyone’s satisfaction…and more trouble unfolded for the families in part due to a lack of independent verification people even during the event and afterwards for viewing remains (including the actual parents–who could have DNA testing and so forth done at the time of a child’s birth in general or in such a situation) and ideally a few ‘random people who could be credible witnesses’ to verify other factors and aspects of an investigation. That would be helpful on a voluntary basis even when someone goes missing and there are not grounds for a criminal investigation.
Efforts to get a site sealed and have independent assessments done could be the first ‘go-to’ if there are any concerns and to validate innocent people’s versions of events. Since CT was the 1970s case of the Peter Reilly coerced confession and subsequent revisions to common practices for reading people their rights and taping interviews and not being extreme in questioning, more ongoing efforts should be made along those lines to educate the public about all such practices. With many efforts such as Black Lives Matter, everyone is more cautious about their rights especially when in a motor vehicle stop or other interaction with police. Body Cameras are a help yet everyone needs and deserves to know what kind of training and protocol police have and that they are human and may make mistakes or worse.
Consider looking at what Steven Greer discusses on youtube about ‘UFOs and false flag events which may be very convincing regarding fake UFOs. The basic idea that we can and likely have been duped throughout most of history about the most devastating events we define as our history (9-11, World War II mistreatment of Native peoples especially in these times of arguing about ‘who has rights to this land because they got here first…” ) all needs Rethinking and Serious Reflection.
By and large women, minorities and many others will realize ‘they’ve been duped And our modern world may be coming to an end in part because we didn’t really have much of a say in how things went historically.
These kinds of violent ‘off the charts’ events can wake us up out of our collective slumber and allow us to wonder out loud, What IF we need more information about many things…so we can regroup and begin to create systems and ways for more people to be included in the meaningful discussion and major efforts that reform would involve?
The idea that ‘kids don’t have rights or couldn’t use them responsibly’ needs to be measured against tragedies on many levels that allow many forms of emotional, social, economic and physical and even sexual violence against minors. Most children can care fairly well for themselves at an early age and basically are expected to do so in many daycare or other cultural settings…
The ways for adults to stay connected in meaningful ways to their own children and relatives, local school kids and even in faith groups can be difficult to determine. Ideally every child would have a team of support to learn and earn a way in life (by applying themselves to studies and fitness, hobbies and building skills…but many don’t have parents and other back ups available due to economic or other goals that take precedence..Then there are missing skills and often a challenge to meet basic school logistics to add much beyond that.
Okay so there’s a little more to consider along these lines..and ways to improve the prospects for people at all ages and stages of life, that’s all women and children and of course men too…to be fair team players (best as we can knowing and allowing for free will and the many ways our culture tends to coach people to get off track and deny the difficulties that brings for far more than the person making poor choices…
Listening to Eve Wilson online and among many others say ‘we get what we are looking for’ or that fits into our deeper world view about how reality works or what we expect…Some say much surfaces to awaken ourselves to the human condition and almost a replaying of history from the past. Movies that explore meaningful possibilities, even with difficulty involved, can add insight to our sense of growing awareness and possibilities, Many have said ‘shame is to blame’ for people getting stuck or repeating what happened to them or not wanting to appear as less than or otherwise compromised, disrepected or rejected.
We may need to hear more about what is means to Love Ourselves, accept our limitations as mortal beings but also awaken to the miracle that maybe we are far more amazing than we were ever led to believe by those caring for our basic human needs. These ideas are offered here as just one person in their mid-50s in America..Rural CT and bustling NYC area in 2019 with college and real life credentials as a person from a large family, a small town, a bit of city living and a lot of caregiving for her own children and others along the way…with a hundred or so books and programs and friends who’ve informed her views on parenting and relationships, self-inquiry and small church life with more ventures into many healing modalities and things like mediation, learning about the laws in custody and domestic abuse and divorce court ( in CT and our US at BMCC, the helpful resource conference called Battered Mothers Custody Conference which includes speakers from CA Protective Parents Association and many other leading advocates in the field of safety and legal reform.)
Hope this can be considered some of the gold found on this St. Patrick’s Day…and overall wisdom to heal on many levels from wounds of the spirit, mind, and body whether as people or a nation…ours or others. Let’s think about the kind of collective efforts that can assist more people with feeling informed, acknowledged, forgiven, included, healed and ready to help the next set of people seeking solace and inclusion in the healing and pro-active possibilties to help us all in this realm and the next as that may play out. Information from Edgar Cayce, Mark Anthony (the psychic attorney), Jenn McLean, and folks in are among some who have offered the world food for thought. The New Life Expo in NYC in March 2019 may have livestream sessions and of course many with booths to promote healing on many levels for people…and some for bigger groups (families, group efforts and more). I am trying to bridge those fields of important inquiry and shed light on these modern challenges hearing that ‘there’s always more than the story’ than we generally can comprehend, but it’d worth pondering…