Thank you for sharing this

. It is a reminder to everyone to be more careful with where they are going and with whom in general. There are many theories about ‘why terrible stuff happens’ beyond what we hear in the basic public forum… and even how we can know.

Psychics may have some insights and then there is the overall theories of Edgar Cayce and many other traditions that pose that we have many lifetimes and ways to ‘craft our life lessons and journeys’ beyond what we may be conscious of when we are living them. In these modern times we learn a great deal from history and overall are living in a safer society…even if climate change may be our biggest threat yet.

I explore many ideas often informed by much I have read, heard or even dreamed about to allow for more ‘insights to emerge.’ Usually they resonate with many people and overall the discoveries that we are not alone in the universe and we have a lot more to appreciate about being human beings (even crummy ones but often they’ve been given a tough start… or can change with the right support, let’s hope.)

Still this young man seems an earth angel and likely has awakened many hearts and hopefully has not suffered or had to transition.

From what I read briefly it seems Tyler Christensen, 16, may have gone off on his own and his back pack was found by a bridge after taking a ferry. One theory I have heard recently is there is a lot of new energy coming onto our planet and younger people (born after 2001) may have a more delicate and evolved DNA and awareness..and some feel the earth plane is too dense and they feel they can’t cope or get down about what’s here the destruction of our planet and the workaday mindset without enough of a spiritual dimension. So…some ‘just leave’ or numb out or take other exits from this mortal realm. I do feel science will ‘prove’ or back up that the spirit lives on however.

Then hearing from various groups that we are not supposed to intentionally end our lives (or take life too seriously in terms of believing in the physical or social situations as being permanent or primary…but rather that we are spiritual and not really affected by the story, movie or drama of our mortal lives.)

There really should be some metaphysical think tanks..that could factor in what various religious, science, and metaphysical theories say… then ideally more people would ‘slow down’ and not feel they are ‘all alone’ or don’t have anyone to talk to about a host of emotions, thoughts, physical circumstances and much more.

. Maybe more people would think twice if they understood what they do to others may be done to them (not as in prison but even that would be a helpful tip to know in advance…since all bets are off What might happen to whom.)

Along those lines, everyone needs to know they Could be Arrested for Almost Nothing, and Held for Quite a While or have a lot of calamity unfold even over alleged things, even for being a victim of another’s crime (which the perpetrator may be rather handy at pinning on them. )

When it comes to being a parent, unfortunately that can play out so miserably as to leave a protective parent, often a mother, without meaningful access to her own children. That is what Battered Mothers Custody explores and seeks to amend. Maybe some of the current new laws in states will seek to protect the mother-child relationship (generally that is who the victims are so more men could chime in with ways to prevent unchecked abuse from their past or in their social circles, work places and faith groups etc.)

Safe Church practices and more precautions in schools are informing more people, yet the practical situations can be challenging to orchestrate to keep victims safe and hold concerning people accountable.

That said, being human isn’t easy and yet somehow many have managed to incarnate, often with supportive families and social ties. Let’s see how we can help more people evolve with love and respect from the earliest days and not let people fall prey to feeling they are stuck out of luck and struggling to survive…

Here’s a post from the Find Tyler FB page from a person I won’t name in case that’s not of interest…but I want to give them credit… “There is a website for a business that attempts to find missing people (murdered, missing, etc) called “A Matter of Perception.” They do it for free and have great success finding missing people and if not, providing closure for families. I worked for free on a murdered jogger case out of Howard Beach, NY from August 14, 2016 to July 24, 2017 just researching lots of leads and talked to NYPD. While working on that case as an armchair detective and researcher, I found this company and they said that the stars rule everything. I thought it was strange..but then saw cases they worked on…and they might be on to something. This is their website: They have a FB page here: Please try to reach Renee or April and see if they can help you in finding out what happened to Tyler. I’ve not been in contact with them since sometime last year, but it looks like they are still working on missing people cases. I think all they need is a little information and Tyler’s birthdate. Prayers that he is alive somewhere and you are reunited with him.”