Pharmaceutical companies are running the world is the message shared in this talk by the nephew of the late President JFKennedy. Here is a summary of what he shares…

“We are at an inflection point where totalitarian states have used fear to get nations to comply.Whenever rulers tell the people there is something they need to be fearful, the people can be made to do whatever you want no matter the political system (communism, democracy and more.)”

Important for more local groups and online forums to discuss things openly and thoroughly. Let’s keep an open mind and use caution as these times are like no other, and the stake are high….Let’s keep it real and not feel there’s nothing to consider

The fear of pandemics is akin to wars. The power and control that governments can wield over populations of many stripes. The effects of 5G are mainly for surveillance for analytics of the data from conversations and more. Alexas is spying on you. Your cell phone is spying on you as is GPS.

Bill Gates says his monitors will be able to track every inch of the planet. When money becomes digital, then more taxes will be added and transactions will be monitored. Disobedience will be punished by not having access. These times have been called a “Plandemic.”

Mechanisms for control become weapons of obedience, and those can be abused even if the creators did not intend it for that. People who are protesting authoritarian control (from wearing masks and where and when you can be out…)

The science is not being relayed in an honest manner as much as in a forceful mandate by authorities. There is a desire to see ‘real science and real risk assessment.’ People in authority may lie and abuse power that is given to them. Having our lives micromanaged, including unwanted medical interventions (such as vaccines being mandated and new ones as well.) Without informed consent, people are not supposed to be forced to have medical procedures.

A biosecurity agenda by those in control is being implemented. The Children’s Defense Health Fund is creating an international institution to speak boldly. The message is ‘we are not going to let you take our democracy, freedom, medical decisions, or children and other rights away.” ( This is a summary of what is shared in the youtube link above.)