When trouble comes, the right wing governments tend to impose ‘responses that curtails citizen’s rights or other restrictions to suspend basic democratic laws.’ If you know what’s coming, that may mean being aware of the option to defy ‘shock doctrine’ mandates en masse. The many changes in the government under Trump, she says that instability may give way for his cohorts to push through policies that benefit the rich. Dismantling social security, taking over assets or using resources may be done to raid the funds rather than ‘solve problems.’
She recommends making alternative plans. We need to talk about militarism, climate change and more in terms of equality among gender and ethnic groups. “No Is Not Enough” is Naomi Klein’s new book which she wrote in five months to alert people. We need to oppose The Shock Syndrome tactics. Here is a link I heard of this. https://youtu.be/w44lApffH30 Corporate wish-lists and toxic to-do lists are what Naomi Klein says get a green light when there is a crisis, political, economic, terrorist or environmental. She has been reporting on shocks and large scale resistance for a couple of decades. I hope this doesn’t give him or others new ideas…but it seems it’s just an open range Wild West mentality…
Thank you So Much Amy Goodman, Naomi Klein and Many Others… Rachel Madeau, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sanders, Marianne Williamson and all running for #POTUS2020 with good ideas to care and share about other people and countries.
The 9/11 Crisis was likely not what we were convinced by single media type coverage and story with no questions allowed. Now No Lies Radio.org is sometimes banned, and having to air from other countries and even taken off the net at times. There is much to learn from Steven Greer online also which could help people feel more informed and empowered before false flag events such as fake UFO or alien interactions garner millions or billions. We need to share the memories of loss, grief being exploited by rich leaders and governments, and rights lost (temporary state of emergencies etc that turn into longer term, killings ‘people being erased’.) Battlefields are being expanded through public exploitation. These points are covered in the Amy Goodman interview with Naomi Klein in the above link. Thanks for braving this difficult topic matter. Also see the similarities with domestic and personal problems, control and abuse tactics, bullying, family and social group dynamics and dysfunction and more.