Hello to everyone at this time of reflection and renewal seasonally and for many traditions, spiritually. I saw a friend on FB wished herself a Happy Birthday to get the ball rolling since she wasn’t sure if the FB reminders were on and so forth.
That took some courage and faith in friends to take the hint which plenty did pronto. Meanwhile, for some there’s a desire to celebrate with others their age and could create more networks in meaningful ways.
That might include a ‘by the decades’ birthday as well, but for starters, turning ones age of two digits into a date is a simple way to declare a special day for each age. Here’s a post I put on that friend’s facebook page about that..
.Hope it catches on and there is another post on this blog that goes into a lot more detail from about 6 years ago near New Year’s Eve. I happened to recall typing that particular post at the library in North Canaan CT before I had a computer handy.
That led to a nice friendship with someone also using a computer…so there’s a hats off to networking even as this idea was hatching out.
Happy Birthday to your Good Self, not everyone can remember their birthday or take time and courage to get the ball rolling.Thanks for sharing…I have ideas on how to have a special day to celebrate of a certain age..by turning their age into a date. So 55 year olds could celebrate (in their own circles or locally or online together…) on May 5th, 5-5. For me that works because my next birthday is later in the month, so the following year I’d be celebrating with 56 year olds on 5-6..all the way to 60 on 5-10. Then at 61, I’d head on over to June 1st, or 6-1 to keep that decade hopping…Hope that’s okay to post here..I’ll put it on my blog too since I wanted to get the word out in a timely fashion for the 51 and up somethings in May.
For people up to age twenty, using the first twenty days of January as their group day makes sense. Then starting with age 21, Feb. 1st or 2-1 would keep the pattern going. As for a birthday for each decade that can happen as the 20s of the month unfold with some addition of digits.
For instance 20 year olds can be on the 20th, then 30 year olds on the 21st (2+1 times 10), 40 year olds on the 22nd (2+2 times 10) and so on. The 20 year olds can make their one special month for Feb (the 2nd month), 30 year olds in March (the 3rd month) and so on.
Let me know what you think and how you celebrate. I learned that Ralph Nader had a similar idea to build up a sense of citizen engagement by highlighting their high school class year, so feel free to factor that in with the celebrations as may work. More info on that online too. Many thanks to the important leadership he has provided for safety and accountability on many fronts, including most recently our airways.