MAY: Miracles for All of us, Yes!
Such is a poster I made with some happy acorn people with big heart bodies for the month of May a while back. Thankfully I came across one in time to mark this month of May 2019. I’ve been hearing more about Lynn McTaggert’s Power Of Eight circles of support to hold an intention for one person or a larger group intention (with specific measurable or somehow giving evidence) parameters. I learned more from a friend who led a small group in the MA/NY CT area.
I will share more info as I get the okay from her to do so. Meanwhile our experience was very supportive and helpful. We came up with an intention for one person to feel more clear about expressing emotions safely and to come into their own self more fully. That could be for any of us, but the exercise included focusing on that person with that intention for ten minutes. Then we set an intention for our those in our communities to be more in touch with their inner experience and sense of connection to others as they first felt more grounded and we would like to see evidence of that happening in our communities.
The whole session ran for about two hours.
There were times where we could join hands for about ten minutes ‘running that intention’ then sharing insights we had whether visions, ideas or other things that were connected holding that intention. Many people had positive images about the actual people in the circle progressing along the lines of the intention or even facing challenges. Some other images seemed symbols of a path of transformation or a journey.
We all ended on a friendly note and wished each other well. Then I went to another place nearby and learned of another special small gathering that was happening. The idea was to tune into positive intentions of creating a safe space and appreciating the time of the new moon (to feel more in sync with the energies which women in general tend to feel, and ideally could appreciate in a more conscious and communal way as well as ‘set intentions’.)..
Themes of honoring all people, animals and plants and elements of nature and working together in synchronicity were shared. The overall idea was to appreciate the gifts and lessons of life thus far and to envision other positive aspects of our growth journey. We had inspirations for reflection, to be compassionate toward ourselves and others. Healing on many levels without judgment and worry was encouraged. A time of sharing and centering unfolded in the span of another couple of hours.
In yet another group I was hearing ‘Ask not why is something challenging happening to one but rather for one’s growth and understanding’ (of life, humanity, or choices and overall spiritual inisghts for instance.) Some say the less we ‘try to make something fit’ into a set belief system, the more open we can be to ‘hearing the messages’ or considering ideas.
In the realm of considering ‘hearing from one’s loved ones through signs or more direct messages, many say that there are many ways to consider many things that seem ‘a coincidence or basic part of life’ yet may be a communication from a loved one or other guiding force. I think we can gain a great deal of wisdom from honoring the people and places in our lives…while we are all together as though we were all in spirit.
That can be tricky since things seem ‘so real’ and the societal laws tend to be enacted with regularity (especially in places where there aren’t many people to get lost among, and many laws become more lax.) Intending harm and feeling depressed and stuck may unfortunately be ‘self-fulfilling prophecies’ so ideally more people could have help considering ‘where one is on a continuum and how those closest to one may be influencing their energy and thought patterns.’
I have often said everyone deserves a team of support. Ideally every age group from infancy on and including the pregnant mom and expectant parent(s) and family could show tremendous support and pay things forward well in advance of having received help and generations of foundational systems. All of this could be done voluntarily and with guidance as to how we can create ‘natural networks’ with those who are in our neighborhoods (whether a building, group of buildings, block, road or other school, faith or civic, or work connection.
People in groups of ten, then those organized into groups of ten to make 100 and so on could be a basic guiding principle for ‘checking in on people voluntarily’ and offering assistance for basics and ways to keep people in a meaningful social flow of connections.
The idea of light and love flowing from one circle to another and out into the wider community was one that danced through my mind. Slowing down and feeling in touch with the roles and decades of life experience and this spring energy were all woven into a special time of ‘planting and tending’ to our hearts, minds and souls.
I had enjoyed being with a small sincere group of people in a faith service earlier in the day so the first Sunday in May, the fifth was turning out to be a graceful, centering day. I had been thinking of making it a celebration as I am 55 and the day was 5-5-19. I shared with some it was Buddha’s birthday..and learned about Kwan Yin, the feminine aspect of compassion. It’s also a special way to recall the good outcome of my birth on May 14th, 1963 as a tenth child ( plus more to follow.)
So the threads were being woven together of many traditions and modern people sharing and caring about one another…and of course that is echoed around the world in many traditions whether daily, weekly, monthly or other times. We are all connected, geared to thrive with love and support and strive with aspirations to feel alive and directed toward noble goals.
I was hearing and sharing on the theme of ‘life is change’ and dreams and visions in a yet another special group of people who meet to hear each other a couple of times a month and be supportive. I shared the ‘family miracle’ aspect of my father who was from New Mexico getting safely off a ship in World War II and meeting my mother who’d braved taking a weekend trip to a beach in New Hampsire just before his final voyage.
He got to leave with an honorable status due to having his appendix out and him agreeing to be on board at his Captain’s request one last time in icy waters. Usually my father was the radar man looking out for icebergs, but he had told the Captain early on that he had a blessing telling him that he would have a large family. He had not met his wife yet so he was confident he’d get off the ship safely some day.
That day came and he and my mother married shortly thereafter…and lived back out in New Mexico, far from her Connecticut roots and family. Meanwhile my father told me when watching a war show about 2002, that he thought his ship sank when hitting an iceberg. That is something I hope to research more before too long. Meanwhile my parents did have a large family and all of that reminded me of that amazing legacy that I got here in the first place. I recount other parts of my family life in some of the first posts on this blog and throughout.
Overall I had thought I’d write a book, or a series, but likely the blog suffices for now…and the versions of our family story could be as varied as the many people in it, I learned from a memoire series I took a while back. We each could write many different stories about our own life as well. The person sharing today captured his life story in a set of slides depicting his childhood times of happiness and innocence and dreams, some of which came true in terms of being an athlete and pursuing some acting.
But there were challenges and thankfully he took help when offered and reconnected with the people who cared about him, his family and made new friends. He’s helped others as well, and that’s the kind of dream that anyone can applaud coming true, as are the miracles of positive intentions, beliefs and actions to help them come to fruition (or at least not be determined to block them to stay on the ‘safe or known side’ of things.)
Thanks for taking these inspirations into your own lives and drawing on the many efforts of others who may have found a way to help shine the light in times of darkness and doubt so a brighter day can dawn for you and those in your circles. Here’s to more magic and meaning of the moments in our lives as our singular and collective journeys continue to unfold. I actually met another group of four women from out West who took time to share their adventures of going to NYC and enjoying the Berkshires over coffee (and soup for me.) We had time to explore theories of some of the things I share on this blog and what they are reading in their book group (or seeing in their movie group, not to mention bridge and poker.) We were all noting ways to encourage safety for people who climb ladders without safety protocol (tethers, helmets,scaffolding, etc) even to wash windows especially on 2nd and 3rd floors.
One retired physician said many preventable ‘accident’ victims would show up in the ER with serious injuries if not broken bones or a need for an amputation, so there are plenty of reasons to Slow Down and Think Things Through as a community with many parts working together. I mentioned the Human Noeticus theory I heard about on youtube regarding people being born after 2001 having special DNA to handle higher freqencies. We got on these topics from thinking about the 7 sister colleges ( since I mentioned I went to Vassar which is co-ed, and yet Mount Holyoke is for females, however identified.)
Then I shared a bit about the Pleiades..which I likely have to check how to spell exactly and The Reconnection (which plenty of folks run discussions about the pros and cons, but I think they’re onto something..not ‘on something’ like the Prarie Whale restuarant jokingly posted for people to see ‘What they were smoking today’ (since pot is legal in MA…not that everyone should assume that is doesn’t have Consequences…) Okay now back to wrapping up this post…
Here’s to a gentle wave carrying us through the Rest of May. I’ll be thinking of loved ones on Mother’s Day and even before as some I care about in spirit transtioned 15 years ago from March to early June and we’ll have a memorial service for our beloved Caroline Paton, who was a co-founder with her husband Sandy and their partner Lee Haggerty of a dream business of folk music called Folk-Legacy Records. That has recently been donated to The Smithsonian Archives.
Feel free to listen to a song such as one by Lorre Wyatt, “Let it be your lullabye’, one a friend enjoyed so much she requested it for one of the songs at their “Love Fest” Wedding in the lovely hills of North Carolina. I met some AT (Appalachian Trail) hikers from that fair state yesterday so hello to all I meet and greet and everyone busy on their feet or maybe cozy on their street as May comes into bloom.