Thinking about loved ones here and in spirt…we likely need more coaching and support to help us value people in our circles and community here and now so we can draw on the lessons and support when they cross over, much of which some say continues in a positive healing way if both parties are game… but if not, not so much.
There are definitely many Possibilities…and I feel very grateful to have had my mind and heart softened such that the dreams and prayers, past, present and future can all work together on many levels… practical and spiritual to help me and many others ‘evolve with love’…
I realize I use “too many words and ideas” for many people…yet I try to tell folks its much less than I Used to Use..and have most of it ‘in writing’ so #1 I don’t have to tax my system (especially blood pressure or get tired from too much speaking) and #2 No one has to ‘read it’ or even hear it if they choose not to read it (nor me speak it.)
I have toyed with having a radio program, reading some posts from and interviewing others and vice versa…Some have the gift of gab and others feel it’s a curse (if others have it…or they themselves maybe use their words to hurt, harm and put others down.)
There is room to explore ‘what is constructive criticism, and realize that many people pay people money or other trade to get coaching, insight, stories and learn about things…even get educated…’
So Why someone would want to put a solid barrier up is intriguing. Many never consider what their own experience is and decide ‘it must be the speaker or idea that is the problem’.
If there were more ‘coaches and counselors’ to help people consider What IF their perception were a bit off (or blaming and shaming others or even themselves when there may be a root cause or dynamic to try to understand to then tame that…and allow for honest, open and willing communication and maybe group consideration…–all parts of the 12-step program ideals– that may be a real boost to people’s options and our collective way of life.
Of course staying the same in terms of naming and ruling the game of perceptions and reactions is still an option…yet again consider it ‘one of many’ and maybe for fun ‘dream up another one or two’.
offer the idea to consider ‘What IF you didn’t feel a certain way about someone or some idea from the past, present or even in the future..what thoughts may come to mind, what beliefs and feelings..
. That puts us in the role almost as actors and moreover as playwrights… We have choices, voices and can explore those aspects of our lives over time.. We don’t need to ‘stick to our guns’ about a certain situation or decision (unless there are serious safety concerns which sadly there are plenty of even in our modern mostly amazing world.)
See for more ideas along those lines. I learned a lot from their books Happiness Is A Choice and To Love Is to Be Happy With as well as Son Rise, all by Barry Kaufman. I also wrote a story , The Turtle and The Acorn after spending a few days there volunteering about a decade or so ago. I wrote it for a child about to be born..It kind of hatched out in one fell swoop so I am glad I found pen and paper where I was housesitting in the middle of Sharon CT.
Within a few days the young fellow was born and I gave a talk at the Rotary Club about the importance of water as a resource to value and protect.
I can recall some of the people at that talk and from those times who are now in spirit, so the gift of the present back then clearly has opened my insights into the spiritual world as I feel their works continue… With more people heavenside I feel ‘half my life’s support team (those in their 40s or so when I was born) are not in heaven. I was born to my parents when they were 40 (and my Dad showed up in my dream and I assume Mom was there too, not one to miss a gathering….) so those older than I am have a special place in my heart knowing many lived through the same times my parents did.
While they passed 15 and 12 years ago come this June 2nd (Mom) and 3rd (Dad) in their mid-80s, I feel their love continues and their fellowship with my former in-laws, Sandy and Caroline Paton along with their shared grandson Kaelan and others they both knew as well as their own families and friends are all there rooting for us. Many share they are ‘doing work their for our world in the here and now and helping light our way.’
These are similar themes to what I have learned Jesus came to earth to do (conquer death, inspire kindness and healing on many levels…) so nice to think they are all on a healing team whoever is ‘driving the bUS for All of Us…Our times with political and other challenges (environmental) will keep us all more focused than we may have planned on such helps, here, in heaven, yet to come or from other realms.. all hands on deck.
Okay I will wrap this up and get some shut-eye…and see who may turn up in my dreams tonight… Happy snoozing and cruising through life with a positive open mind and heart…with good company.