The Samya Rose Stumo Memorial Initiative for Universal Quality Healthcare would create a well-funded fellowship to carry on the kind of innovative caring efforts Samya Stumo exemplified through her efforts that led he to work with Think Well. See more on The Berkshire Edge, June 11, 2019, article.

I just learned about this and feel inspired by this as well as then learning online about Marianne Williamson’s news that she will be in the DNC, Democratic National Committee, televised debate with other contenders for the US Democratic Presidential Candidacy.

There is a great amount of considerate attention to critical issues shared by Marianne Williamson who is running for the US Presidency. She speaks to the foundations of our society as needing implementation, a major review of our American times as shortchanging our vulnerable citizens in favor of huge corporate profits. She has a site Marianne2020.

We spend over 700 B on War yearly, and a State Department with a hefty budget of 40 B that was initially headed by the former head of the Exxon  (CEO Rex Tillerson who also spoke at the WPI graduation over a decade ago which some students boycotted and had their own guest speaker after the formal ceremony ended. Likely others could look up coverage of that and get on board now since there is an ever-pressing need for Climate Change Awareness.

The Students had 350 on their caps, which stood for, the ‘limit that we were supposed to heed for carbon emissions in the air, ppm, parts per millin..I think we are over 400 by now so are truly on the clock with that an increases in ocean temperature which cause oceans to rise and glacier ice to melt more quickly both due to heat and reflective warmth of the sun and the force of water below the ice moving quickly.) But back to the talk I heard with Cari Stein online which is also on with Marianne Williamson for #MariannePOTUS2020.

Mariann Williamson pulled these numbers off of the top of her head to explore the reasons for starting a Department of Peace and to hold us accountable for what is currently happening with both expending funds with for instance a former Boeing Airlines executive for 30 years heading up the Department of Defense. She called that an ‘overt corporate takeover’ of American politics.

In addition she explored that the Mike Pompeo allowed the US to receive $350 B  from an artillery sale to Saudi Arabia while they were also assaulting Yemen and us giving them aerial support for that. Mike Pompeo who okayed the deal in the face of criticism responded that ‘you can have strategic  partnerships with who don’t share your values.’ Marianne Williamson said that is not acceptable.

She speaks to the ongoing human suffering in our country as well as others as a serious risk to our stability and even national security. She spoke to securing our children’s futures with far more support and meaningful coverage of basics like healthcare, food, and education to ensure far greater success of our youngest citizens and therefore our future.

I have felt similarly about many of these matters on a smaller personal scale, so I am deeply grateful these messages are making their way to the televised audiences on June 27th, 2019 and then will be available online.

Early on Marianne Williamson said she, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren were speaking to fundamental key changes in how politics are done in our country, sweeping but effective transitional reforms.

Other contenders are offering more incremental tweaks to the system which she feels will not usher in the needed reforms and better outcomes for the majority of Americans and much of the world. Thanks for tuning in, contributing and becoming involved in critical issues at this hour of huge importance.

“It all matters and you can tune in effectively with a little help from the media and summaries..and considering matters in your heart as well.’ Thanks for all you do to stay in a lane of civility and fairness in balance with others in your life and wider circles. Let’s keep a good thing growing strong!