There is likely a lot to learn about this kind of accident…particularly how to have more ‘early signal lights’ to make sure the drivers at high speeds have enough time to see and respond appropriately.
Hard as it it, maybe people should be advised to move to a safer location away from their car until a more comprehensive team could work with them regarding the functioning of their car. In general, travelling in the light of day and making sure not to drink (even one drink, text or even talk on the phone which has been shown to compromise a person’s response times and so on) could be promoted…
Difficult set of problems, and very fortunate that injuries were not worse… healing to all involved and lessons shared far and wide to travel with care and at the speed limit or slower if poor conditions…(night being a factor as well…)
Also all people getting honest and regular car and driver ability ‘safety checks’ would be a great idea too…even watching a set of ‘driving situations to be aware of’ videos over regular time periods..every month or two and take a quiz etc and have a friend ride with one to give honest feedback..just some basics. Plenty of other ideas too (on hope that can be of help moving forward (on planned trips with good written directions etc if not clear, etc.)