Hello All and then some… Hope this finds you well (and mostly heading to sleep zones before midnight.)
 Many wonderful singers and musicians are currently at Old Songs in Altamont NY (worth looking up what’s going on there on youtube etc or online…good heart energies I’d say and likely a few tributes to our late Caroline and Sandy Paton and family, here and above ( including our late teen son Kaelan…and Lee Haggerty, the other founder of Folk-Legacy.)
Good rockin’ the babes songs too (and I do promote the idea of rocking in a stepping pattern to make it a win-win for the knees and back and babes… so step forward with one foot, then rock back and then the other, and rock back… one can still get a sideways swing on top working with that step back and forth..
.( This whole next part got into some details of baby care…so skim as may be interested..A warm welcome to all new humans arriving in these next months and years…My parents would have turned 97 this summer of 2019. I won’t keep you guessing so their birthdates were 7-11-22 for my Dad Dale Palmer Sr. and 8-14-22 for my Mom, Mary Palmer Sr. (though she really thought it was 8-12-22, at least she had the year right and it was a number close to the time..so likely the some of same ‘Birth Angels’ according to Terah Cox’s book by that name.)
And yes I think it’s cool to look those up for one’s family and loved ones in spirit as well, why not…to gain more insight and appreciation for how we hue-mans come into form and are on various paths with certain qualities and ‘coaches from on high..’ should we choose to tune into those. Much like learning about and trusting in a loving spirit guide…as is the case for many tuning into Jesus and the Holy Spirit and G-d deemed ‘approachable and personal.’ Lots of discuss there but I’ll stick to the ‘new ones on the block for now..’
Consider they may have chosen the parents and therefore our big family crew to be on their team to help them explore their life missions this time round… If they are our teachers, what might we have signed up to learn from them….I try to remind myself of this..and not think only in terms of head knowledge but mainly heart knowledge..which I think Gregg Braden is saying has been undervalued to our detriment..yet could hold a key to healing and growing in wonderful ways… but I haven’t heard the talks yet so that’s just my Guess.
 I realize there likely could be a lot of ‘fine tuning’ easy ways to work with babes that we have likely overlooked. There is a remedy online to ‘help a baby with colic’ by holding them ‘just so’ and doing a simple gentle little rock of its bottom (likely to help pass gas or otherwise settle the aches in the tummy…) It’s done by a doc online whose had a lot of success.
Now of course, ‘doing what works’ is good too, but ideally if there’s a way that saves energy and can be a bit easier why not? In terms of passing the baby, ideally the one Taking the Baby next would actually be up for asking ‘may I take the baby from you” and making sure to wait a moment to get the answer…and then gently but firmly picking the baby up like one would a large pumpkin…and supporting the neck and head, etc and feeling clear about what one is doing..standing, sitting etc.
One could even ask for a person to bring the baby near if sitting down already, then let the person lean down so one could reach a short way to get the baby from the person. The overall idea would be to make sure the giver was ready to give the baby…and the receiver very much ready to hold the baby…
This simple idea likely could help people ‘get focused about transitions’ in general… and then things like checklists and routines could evolve from there..”having a bottle ready or helping a mother get ready to nurse by letting her do what she needs to do before sitting down to have the baby brought to her for instance.
Then having a diaper bag ‘packed and at the ready’ even to use around the house so one would not need to go too far (especially not up a flight of stairs etc) to get a diaper or other basic, change of clothes or shirt for baby or adult, etc.
Extra clothes to put over one’s shoulder to burp a baby, a pacifier (if that’s really okay for all involved, etc) and snacks even for the caregiver and an easy water bottle to have handy can keep the need for doing ‘last minute things’ to a minimum. When going out the door another ‘checklist’ could be posted (even on one’s phone) to make sure one takes one’s phone, and other basics, (keys, computer, extra keys to get into one’s car or workplace, etc, a computer or whatever else is needed for work or projects, paperwork and so on…)
Just sharing here in hopes of getting others to do the same. Applying these basics to whatever one is doing (prep time, double checking, letting someone know one’s routines and so on can be helpful, especially if open to some feedback.
Now I am plenty ready to ‘check into the sleep zone.’ I hope to hear what Gregg  Braden says about the heart knowledge and am being inspired by  The Left Forum I am attending a few events at this weekend in Brooklyn NY. More on their site with links ideally to the presenters, many of whom recorded their talks and so on.
Check out the People’s Music Network for a song about “No More Sacrificed Cities’ by Ben Grosscup (on his FB page…)  A bit more on livfully.org too about Many things..peace, love and light… Catherine