Here is a post I put on in response to a simple thank you for the thoughts I shared about the love growing stronger to help heal the sudden loss of a loved one. I will put more anonymity in but many will know the connections to the ‘wind beneath our wings’ in a recent loss involving water.
I’m sure many will continue to be inspired by his life of adventure and good works…and even take added precautions as much as possible.
As one friend said long ago. “All of life is an act of faith” (remember that Tara, an artist in the NWCT of the many wise ones who share their thoughts as they can amidst being rather super industrious and talented, kind and cool.)
That helped me ‘make sense of different losses’ that would boggle my soul for eons such as the loss of friends in my 20s and 30s …even a super devoted Mom (now I can count a dozen like that from our area…mostly illness but some injuries too.)
As we get older we seem to find ways to accept ‘we will each have our time to come into this world and a time to make ‘a final exit.’
Yet new information about near death experiences have been researched at UCONN and by a woman who had her own and got the bug to do much more for humanity with books galore now. PMH Water spoke to thousands thoroughly and for decades and made a connection with the UCONN group ‘by chance’ so all in CT should feel a bit fortunate that we joined ranks with such talent and great love.
(I just found out about her recently online by chance…so I take that as a guided gift since I only look at things like that now every few months if that…and with the PM I can recall that with the idea of night, and the P…H as in pH that pertains to Water..which of course can make sense to consider its many forms here on earth (from photos of it to the real thing which deserves our respect and precautions as do many forces of nature…)
Okay so hope that is helpful for all thinking of the ‘what’s it mean’ question or ‘what might help at this point’ moving forward together and in our ‘personal’ journeys. Quantum sciences says ‘actually we are far more integrated than we’d imagined or been able to prove in the past’. Gregg Braden’s short videos explain more and he can be a helper in ‘times like this and many other times too.’
Thank you for the love and care your W-W Wonderful Families and Friends have shared over many decades with this larger arena moving many hearts and initiatives forward at warp speed… as though a bell ringing around the world awakening us from our slumber or confusion…to new possiblities of care and greater love.
Even there the frequency of healing that can help our bodies which are made of ’72 percent water’ (and I’m sharing this on 7/2 so maybe we are getting another wink from the universe as though finding clues on an illusive MAP (my mom’s initials by the way…
I think the Moms and Wonder Women here and above are ready to help us Tune Into Intuition and all the Wishin’ we’ve done and see more actions steps that most Fathers and Cool Dudes want to see make life better for Everybuddy…I will put this on in case this is ‘just too long for FB.’
But check out the idea that tuning forks and music can help our bodies come more into balance Because we are comprised of water mostly..and yes bodies of water can also respond to healing whether a glass of water one is about to drink (also thinking “love’, ‘peace’, ‘health’ can convey that message to the water as the Japanese researcher of H2O found with lovely balanced formations corresponding with the nice words and more fragmented forms with the mean thoughts and words or tricky music.)
Okay Len Horowitz wrote a lot about this and ways he has tried to cure AIDS and heal many with simple sounds (and maybe his other idea had an colloidal silver to balance or extract toxins.) I did meet him at an event in MA even though he was from Hawaii and traveled the world.
Seemed like a nice fellow… and on the healthy side ten years ago. But rather than just health and wealth, the big secret seems that We Don’t Die, We Don’t Suffer Forever and We are Simply Amazing Miraculous Beings..
That’s just the beginning and it can take a while, maybe a few decades to let That Resonate in the midst of being brainwashed for 150 years by science that we are just ‘monkey business’ and bodies at that. Gregg Braden says we got that wrong.
So let’s be open minded and see where the new waters lead us in our deeper understanding of healing, forgiveness (of ourselves and others and even the unknowns that may keep weighing us down) and lots more to bring us into alignment in this age of Aquarius..(a song many haven’t heard so maybe give that a whirl too if you have or create Time to do so.)
Time Is Art is another resource online I bumped into when I met the founders at a garden type event here in Brooklyn, so here’s to the timely positive things happening in our lives.
Let’s lean into the reality of more of those things coming our way and not so much the ‘doom and gloom’ that we may have been convinced makes us more accident proof and realistic. Best to Everybuddy.