Head on over to the public FB page, The Northwest Corner Chatter to see a patriotic post by Brian Ohler who took time to reflect on the meaning of July 4th, 2019, the birth of America. Marianne Williamson will be speaking online at 5PM from New Hampshire so I encourage you to see that insightful set of ideas that I am sure will be followed by many liking, posting on FB and tweeting amidst the fireworks which many are having tonight and throughout the next few days. Happy Fourth of July, America..and with the right spirit we can really make it even Happier Next Year, particularly with a caring, capable President that will not cater to corporate interests at the cost of oh just about Everything!
I will put what I posted in response to Brian’s thanks for all the good that’s come in our history with some recognition that ‘we’re not perfect’ even when it comes to ethics.
The following responses I shared are largely informed by other steadfast activists who are imploring us to ‘Stop and Look in the Mirror’ of the past, see what we’ve done and failed to do and make it a priority not to ‘repeat the kinds of things from the past, putting profit and small percent advantages as in serving the 1% above the price of suffering of victims and the planet (often costing people their assets and land if not their health and lives and Mother Earth seems Next to pay the full price of the crimes committed against Her.)
The scenes in the Coup D’etat (State Takeover) back up a theory that America has been sold out to corporate interests since the time of President Reagan and continued with Clinton signing NAFTA and many others lining the pockets of the literally ‘filthy rich’ who have basically destroyed prospects for longevity of the earth and everything on it (except handfuls of people who may live in underground worlds or space stations…)
We somehow Missed the Point. Our young son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton had felt we were ‘done in for’ when I asked him what he had learned after homeschoooling at age 7, so I could tell the school.
He said, “Humans are destroying the planet. We need to stop taking things from the earth and allow nature to be as it has been. We should live like the Indians did. But it is too late to do any good.” Even when he was twice that age he still saw we were doing serious damage to the planet particularly with a growing population.
He didn’t like how people of many religions would be fighting and insisting ‘only some would go to heaven’ whether they knew about G-d or not. I talked these concerns over with ministers and there was a gamut of opinions but plenty saying ‘that was the case.’
If they were to add ‘as far as I know and believe’ that may have been helpful. As for the planet, many feel we may have bedlam and panic break out if we actually were informed that more people ‘in the know’ really see the decline of our natural resources, on the land and in the sea, as being catastrophic in a very short period of time.. a hundred years or two almost sounds like a luxury. Some are saying a few decades would be Nice but maybe wishful thinking.
The book Generation HOT was read by an entire school (Berkshire School in Sheffield MA.) The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History author Elizabeth Kolbert came to speak at the Salisbury Forum in CT about 5 years ago. She said ‘the ocean will be like a parking lot’ as far as I recall. So that song ‘they paved paradise, and put up a parking lot’ was coming true it seemed..only it was the ocean due to the habitat being destroyed, oceans warming and basically done in…along with many species on land. See some recorded talks and reviews about the Salisbury Forum online and in information from the Lakeville Journal.
The Left Forum that was just held in NY and the International African Arts Festival at Barry Park in Brooklyn NY over the next few days have many ways for people to ‘back up a bit and consider the past before we fully celebrate the Fourth and how we are moving forth together.”
We don’t want to sit around and forget or assume the ‘future’s all set with a handful of people owning half the world’s assets and the rest of us hoping for crumbs’ The current film “Coup D’etat” by Jeff Cohen and others documents four decades or more of ‘take over’ in plain view but s-l-o-w-l-y and with fanfare to keep the voiceless silent and the wealthiest content even as corporations have been ushered to the best seats at the ‘free world leaders table.’
Those are the kinds of ‘depressing realities’ that may drive some to drink…and others to wake up and join in the most critical efforts our country and world Need to Make to survive our climate change crisis in the next decade… Since we have ‘time off’ and a reason to focus during the holidays a little wisdom sharing is worth doing now as much as ever. Many people are saying our hope has to be with normal people..not handfuls of powerful leaders and policies that take actions ‘supposedly in the name of the people’.
Looking back that actually mean making reparations to those of African descent (and looking at the research and ideas of ways to Begin to balance things out which would benefit many in practical ways and help more people understand that ‘the future is not a ‘done deal’ with no hope for the masses.
We need to pull together in our personal and wider circles and really make time to understand where we’ve been so we can better decipher where we should and could be going. Giving millions to allow one country to assault another (as Marianne Williamson has said a few times about the US allowing the Saudis to destroy Yemen) cannot be seen as mere ‘differences of opinion that don’t have consequences.’
We need to do More of what is Right and Less of What Is Wrong to get a better set of dynamics going. We need to remember Human Rights alongside many policies and programs that ‘exist or may be created’ so that our human spirit is not put in conflict and feeling diminished by ‘not having a voice or a choice.’
Marianne Williamson called separating children from their parents ‘kidnapping’ and state-sponsored child abuse regarding the Homestead Operation in the South.
There’s always more to learn so taking a few minutes and considering ‘that if the tables were turned’ what would I want people to know and consider doing other than what is being done. When people know better, then they can do better.
The countries in peril that people are fleeing need help restoring civility so people can stay in their countries. I explore many ideas with the prompt of ‘What IF there were no barriers to solving problems or getting people to listen and cooperate, what might things look like then?”
That may sound ‘unrealistic and not helpful’ but the solutions will likely emerge from That Kind of Thinking, sharing human stories and basic wisdom rather than fighting and silencing tactics. Thanks again for braving this forum and others, and living in meaningful reasonable ways.
The Shift Network, Jenn McLean and You Wealth Revolution Network among others have helped many people ‘lean into the greater human family and caring ethic’ to inform the political forces that people are voting For Love and Peace more than hate and war…I know it may not be easy but if it’s possible that may be ‘good enough.’
Since I’ve been writing on this blog for a while, usually I’m into the holiday hoopla as next as other former hopefuls in our country. I still am ‘an optimist’..and trust me, it’s not logical at times. But it mostly works and much of what Gregg Braden and many others say, is ‘you get what you think about, good, bad or otherwise’ and some say ‘what you want with feeling and following up with action steps.’
There is a lot to consider, and hardly time to do that. But we can make time almost like we plant thyme in the garden. Maybe we can sing about things we cannot say, tell a story about something that’s real-life gory and help others figure things out that they’d never even want to be paid to know. Oh, what’s that…maybe Paying People to Learn (instead of racking up endless fees and paying people only to teach) would make Sen$e?
Sure, that idea can be used for a small sum. Okay, off to the next part of this Thursday, July 4th of July, 2019? Where are you getting or jetting to? Did you hear that Jet is a name growing in popularity in England and even in the US? Maybe this next generation is ready to take US All where we need to go without hesitation…not unlike our son Kaelan did all he could with only moments to figure out a very crazy dire situation and Chose to Give His All To Save His Friends!
Let’s adopt that standard of care for one another before going to wrestle in mud-slinging contests… we really do need everybuddy to put their best foot forward, including ideas and honest feelings and willingness to listen and learn (some Olympic hopefuls said that’s a key part of Life not only Sports.) Whose game?!
You can join in sharing all or part of this post or something else you feel will reach the most without overtaxing your resources, including your kind heartfelt energy, the greatest asset of all.
With my parents meeting back in 1944 after WW2, which my father Dale Palmer Sr had been in as part of the Coast Guard, I do want to express thanks for the many perks I’ve had along the way, living at times when schools were being supported along with many hard working and idealistic people giving time in their families and communities, faith and other civic efforts (including keeping towns and services like fire departments and medical urgent care up and running on a volunteer and donation basis.)
These are incredible standards that more people are hopefully willing to plan to keep strong for years to come. Such efforts helped me get from small town country schooling adventures with amazing others to learn from along the way to very impressive public high schools (in New Haven as well as Fairfield CT) then onto Vassar only an hour away in Poughkeepsie NY with a lot of scholarship along the way. ) Even though there have been struggles and the severe hardship of losing our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton in a challenging set of events in 2009.
I have encouraged more to consider preventing similar ‘accidents’ with youth, I am grateful for the overall efforts of the community. I have the livfully.org blog and many writings to reflect on in large part because of the encouragement I had as a student over my years at Kellogg, high school, college and beyond. That is matched by many years of talking and learning from people in the area and ongoing pursuits of healing and helping understand our modern times and wider world with online, networks and events and advocacy.
Many of my family, pals and others I am still happy to know many decades later from each of those schools, colleges and places I lived (again back in the NW Corner) to rear kids and enjoy seeing more people succeed had a similar experience and went into the world ready to pitch in.
Thanks for letting me share here. Hard as it is to consider what I do and how I say things, please pace yourself and consider it a ‘length of the race you don’t have to run’ but can benefit from and do the next parts so we might get around any corners of difficulty and find ourselves resting easy beach side, (or paddling skillfully should the ‘beach’ come to us…) or when our time comes cross over to the other side, hopefully with plenty of warning and support for all in our circles, but knowing that is not the end of the story of love that keeps everything afloat.