Hope everyone fared well through the storm… In BK there’s a large 48th annual International African Arts Festival that saw some heavy rain, then cleared quickly..still some lightning at times (heat lightning…but that likely still is a concern).
Overall, it’s a worthwhile event to know about and even moreso to attend to appreciate the people who have ancestral and cultural ties to Africa and the many places connected to that fine country. I’ll add some info on another site but this one is about ‘basic safety’… keep in good company, well-hydrated and fed (even with food all around one needs to nibble on snacks or have some juice or better good food to actually eat, something that’s ‘easy to forget’ in the midst of all the people,music, goings on and getting around a large area.
Then another potential storm was brewing for this eventing but the rain was holding off. Overall when there is a fair or large event outdoors I don’t think ‘anyone’s in charge’ of directing people to safety early on (Such as at the Bridgewater Fair in late August where there was a lightning storm and everyone just put up umbrellas and such…) Ideally there could be a better ‘game plan.’
I notice signs in NYC to “Know Your Zone” in terms of where to go if needing to evacuate. Kind of difficult to ‘face the music’ in terms of storms, earthquakes or whatever difficulty may come one’s way to ‘evacuate’..though we’ve heard that’s a must for folks in Florida or other places prone to hard times, floods and such. I realize this is over, but that’s a good time to think about some of the ‘What Ifs’…even when in a city or town, it’s best to not go out if one doesn’t have to…a few blocks can really be a chore to cover in harsh winds and such.
Okay back to some easy does in ‘listening’ maybe with Wanda Fischer on WAMC, Hudson River Sampler…90.3FM in the tri-corner MA/NY CT area…