A friend sharing about not being able to help the homeless in Burlington VT more even as she is visiting her son in a 3rd floor apartment got me thinking of how many people I have talked to who were on or near being on the streets. No easy answers but plenty of important questions to ask and basics to consider. Promoting good food and hygiene, basic help with clothers and transportation would go a long way toward making some in roads. Breaking Ground in NYC sounds good as do many shelters, but most have their terms to meet. More neighborhood supports would help in any area, with some faith or non-profits taking the lead as much as possible.
I have talked with a lot of homeless people in NYC and some in Brooklyn in the past few years…and some have been driven to find a home so I don’t talk to them so much… no but really they share so many stories I should blog more about that..Some life and carry on, but plenty are truly in need and have to hustle to make hotel money (some have had things stolen if not worse in a shelter.)
I would like independent verification groups to go around and figure out what really could be done to improve things. I think vans providing basics like blankets and mats would be a good start…and more people being allowed and provided ‘personal port-a-potties’ such as large yogurt containers that could be left in sanitary collection booths etc to give everyone some human dignity.
There could be port-a-toilet type booths for people to use or again have a place for privacy then put their ‘deposit’ on a shelf, down a chute etc in a container, heavier plastic bag etc’.
All that could be used for re-greening the planet, not wasting nutrients and so on. Maybe there could be a buy-back program to encourage participation.
Even for collecting dog poo etc so there wouldn’t be such a problem in that dept (and they also could have pee stations etc likely with some collection efforts to help out earth not be hurt by too much pee in the wrong places such as on trees which can harm them.) I think there could be camps set up to afford everyone ‘a place to camp’ with decency and respect.
There could be separate places for women, men and so on, with more divisions as needed…and keep Moms with Children by and large (and of course supervise for safety if there are any doubts.
Most Moms are happy to have some good help, but then again not everyone can be trusted… hmmm, it’s a miracle most of us pulled through as well as we have, but basically ‘a place makes the people, and the people make the place..and round again.