I had a young friend roll some story blocks a few times (a new chapter each time)..and made up a story in a few minutes about a bridge waving to a rainbow, then a powerful force freezing the rainbow..but in the end after the advice of a question mark was honored by a chance helpful entity needing guidance (eating an apple and looking in all directions, including up and down, side to side and actually moving one’s head when doing so) the spell was broken…
That was around 3 pm today. Hope all are safe and our ‘storm stories’ are over for the day…
Even as I heard the start of the story..”The bridge waved” a poem I wrote ten years ago read..”Life is a bridge we gently cross, Going over it we all have loss, Yet the gift of love is ours to give, In how we die and how we live”…many other connections with loved ones and rainbows, promises for a brighter future and safer world emerge with the encouragement of dreaming and sharing outloud..even gathering in silence or as we do online with that shared sense of ‘we hopefully are getting somewhere better…or learning to inform our journey, the inner one as well as the more public one…’
Here’s to everyone’s health and safety round the clock and in all realms… Thanks for the ‘share time'( that’s a concept hopefully most have heard or experienced even with one other intentionally ‘taking a few minutes’ (or more if agreed in advance like the talking stick guidelines run where the speaker is engaged to share ‘anything more’ a few times after an initial sharing and no feedback. Then after a speaker is ‘truly done for that round, the talking stick is passed.’
Again that is my understanding so do some research..I am sharing for general interest…and many real talking stick or other Native or Culture-specific or created ceremonies or traditions could be well-researched and respected before emulating or doing. Some may feel it is not appropriate for people of various backgrounds to do certain things and in part that is likely why they have not been shared. Others feel there should not be payment of cash (although tobacco or another gift of food etc may be welcomed and depending on a person’s travel or housing needs donations may be requested to offset those.)
Some have travelled to the North East of the USA to run efforts to build bridges and create more understanding among leaders (maybe they could speak with the POTUS Candidates online and podcasts ) and people of various faiths and cultures..thus this child’s story is spurring a planting of many ideas that I have shared elsewhere but am doing so today on the heels of a sudden storm warning.
Maybe we need to heed that sense of urgency and factor in the legacies and love of those above (who have gone and who will be arriving still) to create new hearts and minds filled with that rainbow hue of possibilities, much as Terah Cox offers in her book on Birth Angels and us being ‘Hue-man beings’ filled with angelic and divine light and love possibilities. Each one of us may have come to this plan-it heart at this very time to our designated biological parents and caregivers to learn many lessons and for reasons that echo back to our beginnings (and theirs)..and our children likely have come to us also ‘with plans of their own’.
Allowing for such possibilities can ease the challenge of fulfilling endless expectations and even dreams and being more comfortable internally with allowing for a flow of interactions, learning and yes, evolving with love to emerge more holisitically (challenging as that can be when limited from nature, one’s family and friends by inner or outer ‘realities’ and much more…) Still worth keeping the hope and pathways to having growing circles of support and friends as one moves through life and the world.
In more modern circles, there is still ‘no crosstalk or feedback often (again that can be tweaked as participants desire in specific groups), yet each is given a turn to share without commenting on what others say per se..keeping it focused on self and one’s own thoughts, experiences and so on. Again, in more organic, freestyle groups that can vary with participants weighing in beforehand or even along the way (ideally without interrupting.)
That said, with all groups including ‘confidential ones’ there are often ‘limits to confidentiality’ (much like in some spiritual confessions and many professional practices such as counseling and even perhaps legal ones..if someone is planning to harm someone or even themselves, authorities by law likely need to be notified in a timely manner, and possibly the person retained if reasonable. Don’t quote me on that and I’m not practicing law or social work and am not a highly trained anything or paid in that area at this time…so it’s hearsay until you do your research.
Yet IF that’s the case, likely a Written notice should be posted and passed around at the start of each meeting so everyone is Clear as a Bell about what can be shared freely and openly and what simply cannot in terms of ‘not having consequences’ of some kind. I have tried to convey many insights along these lines to many people and even through the newspaper yet most want to ‘blame the messenger or questioner or clarifier’… so maybe ‘we’re just not ready to consider that in a public manner which would seem like the fair, empowering, reasonable, democratic, ethical thing to do….
Likely I will put this on livfully.org (which I am doing having thought it out on Northwest Corner Chatter in CT) as yet another community ‘thinking outloud’ service and hope to hear what people have researched, experienced or considered. The easy answers of having investigations and so forth have made headlines plenty of time to be deficient in many respects and could be another reason for people to become more helpful to those in need and willing to get help (childcare, pet care, basic groceries and transportation, housework, laundry, education and sports and arts… the basics, even some faith groups which can provide additional support and possibly be of an ecumenical or even interdenominational and intercultural nature in America where that is supposedly legal…)
Okay back to the drawing board and rainbows…Hellos and hugs to all those in spirit, and for many in our small communities, that circle keeps growing faster than we anticipate..Maybe they are helping us find our way from their more spiritual viewpoint..Let’s stay tuned in for such guidance and words of wisdom whether in writing, conversation, or in our hearts or dreams…