While ‘we’ve all heard of climate change’ and have seen evidence of coastal flooding (where 40% of residents live with predictions for higher numbers still), we may not know ‘where to turn for reputable information’ and key ways to get involved.

Thanks to the outreach online, The Climate Reality Project and Friends of Earth.org are making some headway in getting the word out. We are on the clock, and ‘turning back the hands of time’ is what we can strive to do to buy us precious years and decades…but it won’t be easy. The bees and butterflies have suffered huge setbacks, and actual devestating declines in numbers.

That is due to Monsanto’s glycoshate and many neonics which are ‘long-lived and systemic.’ There has been a huge increase of neonicotinoid pesticides (don’t worry about how to pronounce, just think “HELP!!”) One email can be depressing and these groups and others, including Greenpeace and 350.org and Global Citizen send out dozens to paint the bleak but realistic picture we all need to Wake Up to while there’s a window of opportunity (one way to WOO people is to tell them that “There IS Hope” even when the chips are down (and trees being claimed at an alarming rate.) Thanks for sharing their info and encouraging donations as you can. Small amounts do add up (but big ones add up even faster, so always great to get others in on the effort with sharing and such.)

I wanted to put in some upbeat news and clearly I’ll have to redouble my efforts, but it seems the children are the ones stepping forward to ‘die-ins’ and laying down for 11 minutes in public places to indicate experts are warning we only have 11 Years to Turn Things Around. The information that ‘Heat Kills” as do ‘Floods’ can be sobering to hear. Let’s see how we can find balance and get more people informed ‘when things are calm.’ NYC has ‘Know Your Zone” for evacuation purposes since Manhattan is an Island…and that means ‘water wins if it wants to.’

Okay, let’s find ways to build up networks with faith, sports, schools, families and communities pulling together. There was the Underground Railroad and there may have to be a more obvious way for people to hike their way out of the city…those that can. Maybe having ‘supply stations’ in every town around the city would make welcoming others through easier to do.

Some people from the city should also be informed of how to lead groups ‘out to safety’. There is a lot on Transition Town sites and Permaculture about ‘setting up camp’ for those who are displaced. It doesn’t hurt to learn to live out of a back pack or two, but carrying things is important (maybe with a cart if the path is smooth…) Wishing us all well as we realize with the climate effects it may be that ‘we can run but we cannot hide.’ Though shelters will be key to handling a lot of what’s to come. Maybe more Arks or boats and life vests should be on people’s planning lists as well…and basic water safety.

Many self-organizing efforts could go a long way to help people see the wisdom of such things, but there seems to be a hard and fast denial mentality and lack of initiative on most people’s parts to even Think About Options to provide oneself and others with the basics. Why  not start with gathering empty yogurt containers to have one’s own port-a-potty system (with bags to put full containers in until one reaches a safe dumping station…which ideally would be set up on every block so no one would have to go far and could have a safe way to dispose of urine…and even feces should it come to that when people are on the run.)

Then of course we’d need plenty of potable water (drinkable water) in case flooding or lead in pipes becomes an issue, as it has for many in parts of Brooklyn NY recently. Even going a few days without regular access to water can be alarming. Then there is the need for food and basic clothing, footwear and ways to keep track of one another.

I realize this may be ‘getting ahead of the game’ but the point is there could be some basic ’10 step plans’ for every block and so forth to be implementing and practicing for that ‘rainy day’ or other reason people may need to get up and move out for a short term…or longer. Have a digital copy of your important infomation safely stored as makes sense…and pictures of your belongings for insurance purposes.
