Info from which is accepting donations to keep going…
The following is from a letter I got from which I felt is worth sharing… Do your own research but allow freedom of speech and inquiry. These folks have…
Exploring Great Ideas and Sharing Info With Lucky You!
The following is from a letter I got from which I felt is worth sharing… Do your own research but allow freedom of speech and inquiry. These folks have…
With CV19, Mother’s Day is yet another holiday that’s quieted down and different than all that have come before. Even though I’m eager to head to bed, I thought I’d…
I am hearing some lovely ideas about the ‘galactic love bubble and temple’ that our lovely gaia energy and earth is connecting with…who knew? The possibilities of love from many…
Very sweet sidewalk drawings of a mom holding a baby and words ‘Thanks, Mama” reminded me of a song I wrote a quarter of a century ago…one of many I’d… Who can name the planets in order…all 8? I know I thought there were nine but Pluto’s not in the loop according to this set of songs… The first…