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Memorial Day

Welcome May (and May Day, Or Other May Celebrations..Birthdays including my 54th...and Memorial Day with Reverence for All on the Other Side learning lessons and sending blessin's)

on Mon, 05/01/2017 - 15:30
If someone is turning is it to blow out 70 candles (or the 7-0 two candles..or something in between. I find a circle can speak to the cycles and journey round the sun nicely should someone be scratching their head on that candle design thing.
 My kids used to be the One to make Their Own Cake (help a lot and then decorate and let others help as they chose up until they were 10-12.)
Maybe someone of this septuagenarian age could give a 'review in a in Sunday, years up to age 10 where you lived and some highlights (who was in the family at each decade marker or

Reflections on Memorial Day 2014 in Sharon CT, a teen hero's hometown

on Tue, 05/27/2014 - 02:57

I enjoyed seeing country roads lined with green trees and American flags in the towns and on the homes  while I zoomed through Salisbury and Lakeville on the way to Sharon CT this morning to help direct the parade which forms in near the school and makes its festive way down Main Street along the Green. I set up my Turtlemobile (my green Subi small station wagon/Outback with stickers on the back which call out "Teach Your Children Well" --as the words to that song from the 60s go--and 'Courage", "Trust", "Respect"--along the lines of another "Give it, Get It.