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Sharon CT

Paint and Sip at Sharon Firehouse on Sept. 30th, 2016, UFO Talk about Sheffield MA experience in Oct 2016 in Salem MA. Also Folk-Legacy 55th Anniversary Concert in W Hartford Oct 1st,2016 (which is Safe Child Day too!)

on Thu, 09/15/2016 - 14:40

Look up the controversy about this picturesque setting of the Sheffield Covered Bridge just off Route 7 in Sheffield MA as the possible site of a UFO experience by

 Thom (as he prefers to spell his name) will be in Salem  Mass at an event called Paratween (with tix at 50 bucks if you buy early) in October 22nd, 2016. He will be giving a talk with others on UFOs.

Why not use our imagination to consider What IF there is more to know and learn than we realized (or were programmed to be able to consider)?

Happy painting, dreaming and safe travels wherever you go.. I put more

Thinking of a wonderful fellow as his time to head to heaven arrived at the start of the President's Birthday, 8/4/16...Every Inning Counts, Play on and play well on earth and in heaven!

on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 21:18

News of the passing (from a car accident on Rt 112  West of Limerock Park which has some dangerous corners) of a longtime resident and radio broadcaster.Bobby Chatfield Sr.

 swept the northwest corner of CT headlines in papers such as The Register Citizen.

I am not sure about sharing such articles on my blog, but a google search would be worthwhile such as in the Register Citizen of Torrington Ct. 

One can learn of the many people who benefitted from decades of efforts by Bobby Chatfield Sr to connect with people and good causes through his broadcasting, sports and charitable endeavors.


Reflections on Memorial Day 2014 in Sharon CT, a teen hero's hometown

on Tue, 05/27/2014 - 02:57

I enjoyed seeing country roads lined with green trees and American flags in the towns and on the homes  while I zoomed through Salisbury and Lakeville on the way to Sharon CT this morning to help direct the parade which forms in near the school and makes its festive way down Main Street along the Green. I set up my Turtlemobile (my green Subi small station wagon/Outback with stickers on the back which call out "Teach Your Children Well" --as the words to that song from the 60s go--and 'Courage", "Trust", "Respect"--along the lines of another "Give it, Get It.