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Welcome May (and May Day, Or Other May Celebrations..Birthdays including my 54th...and Memorial Day with Reverence for All on the Other Side learning lessons and sending blessin's)

on Mon, 05/01/2017 - 15:30
If someone is turning is it to blow out 70 candles (or the 7-0 two candles..or something in between. I find a circle can speak to the cycles and journey round the sun nicely should someone be scratching their head on that candle design thing.
 My kids used to be the One to make Their Own Cake (help a lot and then decorate and let others help as they chose up until they were 10-12.)
Maybe someone of this septuagenarian age could give a 'review in a in Sunday, years up to age 10 where you lived and some highlights (who was in the family at each decade marker or special friends, schooling, trips, learning about life experiences and more like having relationships, children and so forth...), then Monday, age 11-20, Tuesday, 21-30, Wednesday 31-40, Thursday 41-50, Friday 51-60, Saturday 61-70...(of course if blessed to live into one's 80s, 90s and beyond, do take time to record Your Historical Highlights and Life Journey for your heirs and peers of all ages, ideally with some vocal and video recording too. I found some old tapes of my folks and felt we were once again around the kitchen table sharing bits of the day and views on life as we did often in the 1980s and even through 2004-7.)
 Many of the family could 'fill in the highlights of their lives in a week...and I may give it a try before I, 54 this year on May 14th. If someone is turning 52 ,it's a tribute to a the 52 weeks of the year, so maybe a reason to celebrate weekly whether on Monday, since today is on a Monday or as part of her overall cool ways to walk the beach and enjoy fam and friends. 
I'll find time to share some more when I get a minute but it's before noon so nice to start the day with some fresh air. Happy Everything.. .HugEnergy! --Catherine/Livfully

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