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A Difficult Start to the Month of May..but One We Can Recover From Stronger Together

on Thu, 05/02/2019 - 17:17

 I am honored to share the news of the courageous loving soul, Ryan Howell, who successfully tackled the former student turned gunman, Trystan Andrew Terrell, though it cost him his mortal life on May 1st (Tuesday), 2019 in Charlotte NC, at UNC. I will reflect on this difficult turn of events that likely will speak to US All as graduations and the end of school draw near to 'proceed with caution' yet let love win in terms of 'doing the right thing.'

 That may mean not getting in a car or even a conversation with someone who is unbalanced, acting 'off their game' (maybe due to meds or a mix

Doing a Little Homework about the Pivotal BMCC (Battered Mothers Custody Conference) at the end of April 2019 in Albany NY, check out their site

on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 03:11
There are about ten slide presentations on BMCC's site to help people get a sense of what the BMCC has accomplished in the past 13 years. The legacy of abuse before and during custody battles (which comprise less than 10% of custody cases) and the challenge to get justice for victims of abuse is one of those 'never-ending stories'. Get inspired by
And then head on over to the site for BMCC sure is making strides to enlighten our culture through their growing advocacy and networks.