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Discover some great info and products for you and others at A friend told me about Sweet Ease (in warmer months only) and I was pleased with lower blood sugar numbers (not sure if it led to that but didn't keep it from happening)

on Mon, 08/15/2016 - 21:15

Who has ever heard of Ashwandaga? No? How about Neem? Maybe, right. Delight your mind with the eye-dea of Ayurvedic herbals to assist your body type with balance internally and physically, energetically and well, pracitically. I know very little but an intrigued (thought of spelling that as InTreegued since there are many healing ideas branching off one another in that school of healing.) I know a cool fellow who travelled  to India to learn about that and I believe is helping with a new place in Newburgh NY.

Join the Livabetes movement. Renaming and Reclaiming Your Body, Mind,Soul and Health

on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 12:54

 This morning when doing my gentle Chi Kung exercises (Eight Pieces of Brocade which comes in a small book and can be learned fairly easily, a little at a time may work best., I thought about 'diabetes' as a word describing what exactly? Blood sugar regulation...but with that 'die' sound at the beginning of the word, I thought, why  don't we rename that condition that is affecting not onlly almot 30 million Americans, but as a prediabetes condion, 70 million more.

There are only 300 million people in the US, so that is One Third of the Country! We could call it 1/3rdabetes!

Get thee to the on 4-24-16 or research such as Dr. Mark Hyman diet (Eat veggies/avocadoes, healthy fat and lower blood sugars). Make HEALTH ''cool, holy, healing as a community..

on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 16:52

 Thanks to the brave souls teaching US All about Health as Wealth and Investment in Functional, Sane Bodies and Minds (and Souls)...I have sought ways to bring these kinds of forums about before the internet or even information from people in the know was being shared. Too many piecemeal efforts not working together proved ineffective.

All parts of a vehicle must be installed and operational and in balance to have a functioning car, truck, motorcycle or 18-wheeler...With our Brains, Bodies, and Chemistries key components of our physical beings and our feelings (linked to our glandular system