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Get thee to the on 4-24-16 or research such as Dr. Mark Hyman diet (Eat veggies/avocadoes, healthy fat and lower blood sugars). Make HEALTH ''cool, holy, healing as a community..

on Mon, 04/25/2016 - 16:52

 Thanks to the brave souls teaching US All about Health as Wealth and Investment in Functional, Sane Bodies and Minds (and Souls)...I have sought ways to bring these kinds of forums about before the internet or even information from people in the know was being shared. Too many piecemeal efforts not working together proved ineffective.

All parts of a vehicle must be installed and operational and in balance to have a functioning car, truck, motorcycle or 18-wheeler...With our Brains, Bodies, and Chemistries key components of our physical beings and our feelings (linked to our glandular system as are our hormones) why wouldn't there be Major Committees and Education on these fundamental factors, akin to mechanic shops for our cars or public schools. Why not TEACH about Body Functions and Nutrition in School and promote time and ways for youth and others of all ages to get and stay HEALTHY?!

The savings would be gigantanormous (giant and enormous). Maybe That's WHY we are being Kept in the Dark by Big Pharmaceutical companies who essentially own and run the medical schools and industry. That little tidbit is explained in The Truth about Cancer series.

Okay, so  some may consider taking advantage of these kinds of programs and looking up therapeutic grade essential oils to help with managing root causes of imbalance, or symptoms or mitigating one's condition as is legal and comfortable with consults with your medical doctor...that's what I plan to do more of and this is not direct advice, only sharing information. See and for more info, videos of Q&A and free tips.Here's to Our Collective Shift and Greater Understanding and HEALTH!

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