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Edgar Cayce

Creating a Receptive Prayerful Site and Resource Center to Help People Who Are Nearing Their Earthly End and After They Pass for 3 Days Plus (and for their Family)

on Tue, 12/05/2017 - 04:21

A very long post title but wanting to share this Idea..The site and resource center does not exist yet. It's time is coming. Some may assume 'somebody's figured this all out', how to help people when in their dying days, how to 'be there' bedside or as near as possible physically and emotionally ...and spiritually even if not there in person.

Dancing in Plays and Saving Lives...and all that jazz, Go EMTs!!

on Wed, 10/04/2017 - 02:50
First Responder Classes such as EMT programs are being offered in many communities. Often the people become volunteers or paid responsders. Either way, they could be called AIT (Angels In Training). Thanks to all who pursue these programs and are at the ready to help others. Everyone learning basics like the Heimlich and CPR can be lifesavers.
I learned to save someone from choking at Kellogg School and used it without a thought when I was 20 just before dancing in a play at the Sharon Playhouse. A fellow was choking on a roast beef sandwich.

"What I Do To You, I Do To Myself", from the video on Edgar Cayce."Let's Think Team and Oneness amidst too much of 'the Other Schtuff"

on Wed, 04/19/2017 - 20:56

When someone got me interested in hearing about theories of money dwindling and computers world wide getting hit with a virus soon, I managed to notice an Edgar Cayce youtube video. One good one led to another so many interesting ideas. This fellow Patrick wandered the world then America for a few years a while back with his wife Jane. That's kind of cool too. 

Patrick suggests at the end for people to think about meditation as way to ask questions about life (getting a job, meeting new nice people, figuring out directions in practical ways or on

Who Might Have Been on Westminster Bridge at that 'fateful time' but had plans taking them St. Elsewhere? See more ideas about Why our lives may take twists and turns...

on Fri, 03/24/2017 - 14:38

Someone in America had a friend whose a professor who was supposed to be at the Westminster Bridge when a bit of hell broke loose a few days ago. He was invited to tea and took that offer up so was out of dodge elsewhere in London. Along with the many formal dignitaries and important support offered by the world, many 'regular people' in the world feel the ripples of upset and worry that such a difficult situation brings to those whose lives were injured and ended.

Sincere condolences and a moment of silence here on the Livfully circle to remember and honor the lives of those taken as
