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Turtle Garden Permaculture Game Up and Running for More Funning! Many Ideas Summarized about Growing Community over the Generations!

So Hop Onto This Link for the Turtle Garden Permaculture Game Guidelines..and Make it your own!

on Sat, 12/24/2022 - 17:43

Spring or Other Season Great Time to Learn About and Play The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game (TGPG). Copyrighted by Catherine Palmer Paton Happy Turtle-Gardening Every Season of Our Lives as a Team!

Thanks to all working along the lines of learning and sharing info...that's part of Permaculture too and Growing Community! I shared this game idea in The Shoppers Guide-Inc online of Great Barrington MA and will be giving some coaching sessions to the first six daycares, schools or colleges that request that!

Happy 2023 and let's start our engines