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a time of great change and transition for US All and the World at Large

Discovering New Meaning from Tragic Turns of Events, Past, Present and Hopefully to Prevent More in the Future, Starting Today!

on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 14:57
 An Open Letter to All Who Care and Want to Take a Stand for Good On Many Fronts:
 If all anyone reads of this is this first line please hear a heartfelt request from many not to put oneself or others in danger knowingly in any way....that would mean violence of any kind, including protests, driving recklessly (or even a high speeds since Lives Can Be Saved at Speeds 55mph and under especially if there are other cars on the roads...but say under 75mph if out West and there aren't cars and ideally hold to 65mph just to keep it more sane in these times as a way to take control of the wheel