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Discovering New Meaning from Tragic Turns of Events, Past, Present and Hopefully to Prevent More in the Future, Starting Today!

on Sun, 05/31/2020 - 14:57
 An Open Letter to All Who Care and Want to Take a Stand for Good On Many Fronts:
 If all anyone reads of this is this first line please hear a heartfelt request from many not to put oneself or others in danger knowingly in any way....that would mean violence of any kind, including protests, driving recklessly (or even a high speeds since Lives Can Be Saved at Speeds 55mph and under especially if there are other cars on the roads...but say under 75mph if out West and there aren't cars and ideally hold to 65mph just to keep it more sane in these times as a way to take control of the wheel and of these times of transition.)
Basically get lots of 'assessments' for where you are personally in your life in terms of safety, on many levels, particularly any 'male violence against women' (yes domestic violence in one's home or social circles, but consider the levels of harm 'just one unstable man' can do, even in broad daylight with police around. The abuse George Floyd suffered happened to be at the hands and knee of men.
The sense of entitlement and control the policeman who was restraining George Floyd with is what many are dismayed with and angered over. We need to study up on how entrenched our society is in allowing one person to treat another as property (a thing or an animal) rather than a person with human rights.
That goes back hundreds of years in our 'civilized society, primarily with slavery and with women and children being 'owned as property' by the males who were their father or husband. In many parts of the world, women and children are still mistreated in these ways. That's what human rights discuss, and I'm still learning a lot after reading and hearing plenty for a decade or so.
This is the 100th year since women got the right to vote in 1920. Black men got the right to vote after the Civil War with the 15th Amendment. We have come a long way but have a long way yet to go. Uhuru is a group effort promoting the reclamation of Africa with much more online to consider regarding how the modern world was built by the illegal and inhumane capture of Africans from their native land and destruction of their resources. Marianne Williamson spoke as a Presidential candidate to provide African Americans the equivalent of '40 acres and a mule' in financial support as promised after the Civil War, but which was never fulfilled.
There are myriad ways most people could work together to address racial, social, economic, financial and other inequalities. Efforts such as permaculture and help people understand ideas of sustainability of caring for people, the earth and resources. With climate change, more people in the world will be forced to live on higher ground as the ocean rises.
The more cooperative and creative people can be in thinking of solutions, the more readily solutions for healing and sharing our planet reasonably can happen. Everyone needs to feel empowered and included in the discussion and ways to achieve self-determination in terms of health, social connections and ways to live and of course survive and hopefully thrive.
The more we succeed collectively, the more balanced and competent each person will be. Many suggest this Age of Aquarius in terms of how the planets are positioned in their orbits and other influences (such as whatever may have helped a solar flare be averted from our atmosphere a few years ago) and possibly others which can keep us from doing more harm on the planet from nuclear missiles or other destructive forces.
See what Stever Greer says about some of that, along with many others who have been on television and with which discusses the scientific evidence that 9/11 was likely an inside job to take the buildings down And create a reason to take oil from Iraq (since the Pentagon was reportedly hit by a plane by a foreign pilot and that qualified as an act of war.) The scientific reports (even of the flight patterns of each plane and how implausible the story we have heard is in terms of the speed, ability of a plane and of a pilot to pull off such 'accurate hits') should give people reason to Pause.
That three thousand lives were lost on 9/11/01 almost twenty years ago and  that families signed off on pursuing more investigations (for the most part) is factual. Still they would likely really want to know the truth and a case was held based on physical evidence a few years ago, although it's hard to know what happened next. Especially now. But back to the case at hand and the valid rising concerns of #BlackLivesMatter and much more. We are all in this time and process together with more barriers to shared knowledge, inquiry and understanding dropping away. It may seem we are 'standing still' but really we are moving as fast as a rocket in terms of waking up and shaking up the old to make way for a new and hopefully more balanced honest way to move forward with integrity, support and accountability...that last one being a delicate one but important to have some way to validate people are doing what they say they are doing, spending or following up with promises with real action and verification of what's getting done.
Thanks for being on this journey with me, it's one that many people are part of and I'll reflect on that shortly (as I do in various pieces, but I learn from everyone in my life and from those I listen to and have been hearing online and in other media. Thanks for the hundreds leading the way, the thousands and millions joining in efforts and the good media who help create a running dialogue, even as I aim to do here in one place over time on this blog, a bit like a community journal free for all, whereas many important publications are costly to obtain for a person. Every state could offer more, via groups of volunteer citizens and more networkers helping create the wider discussions with spokespeople and connection to regular people then helping spread the word rather systematically...and again cycle ideas from the grassroots folks back 'up to the top'. Let's find our way together and make this world a beYoutofull and beUStofull place!
Particularly in these times in the aftermath of the George Floyd tragic loss of life and apparent gross mistreatment of restraining him facedown with his hands secured in cuffs behind his back (which alone could have compromised his airway but all the more so as he was intoxicated) and ever more so since a man was putting pressure on his neck from behind (which could further impact his airway whereas from the side that would not, yet being facedown was a problem, particularly under a stressful situation or with other health challenges, known or unknown.)
We can share a moment of silence here and now on the last day which is a Sunday  May 31st,  2020 and before the new month of June 2020 is underway to pause and reflect seriously about the gift of life we are each given and the meaning of the how our lives play out, predictably for the most part, but at other times woefully unexpectedly with escalation, harm, derision and danger rearing up and creating conflict, injury and even death whether over a period of time or within minutes.
Other posts reflect on crises from the past which bear modern consideration. We can and need to learn from the past as most realize as way to not repeat the trends and tragedies. Thank you to all pursuing these meaningful modern day causes with steadfast convictions. Please do not take undue risks whether in the name of fun and adventure, forgetting the laws and reasons to monitor youth and others for safety and accountability to others in one's community with clear guidelines and supervising appropriate activities, and as needed pursuing advocacy to right wrongs, promote health and safety and save lives and create new laws and practices to help everyone feel included and supported with legal ways to get  basic standards of living and social needs met.
When we first heard about the turn of events on June 16th, 2009 about a group of teens heading out to have some adventures from the high school in Falls Village CT but meeting up with a major crisis up at the Falls, many faced a great deal of fear and disbelief.
That June, there had been a lot of heavy rain, and the  Falls and river was running and fast. Some male teens jumped into the waters at the edge of the river by the tremendous waterfalls, even a couple of times, or maybe for the first time ever, following suit as it were. While Kaelan got out safely, others struggled and he sought to help some from the sides and then went into aid another.
Then everyone heard the terrible news, "Kaelan was lost in the river." There was clearly no way he survived but a valiant recovery effort was undertaken for days. The story unfolded in the course of minutes and I learned of the turn of events a few hours later. There was not much anyone could do but wait and hope he would surface which finally happened the following week, on June 23rd, 2009, the day it turned out that Michael Jackson died.
Our lives and that of his friends and even classmates and the wider community were impacted in serious ways. Yet we were not prepared as an area to have a way to process 'what led to the turn of events' in hopes to prevent such a serious situation and fatality again.
The overall work has still yet to be done in a formal way. I have sought to give the matter serious consideration not only to comprehend the dynamics of the river which thankfully Kaelan was able to save two friends by courageously extending  each a helping hand while  he was still on land.  He went in for a third friend into very treacherous water at the base of the falls, disappearing just after reaching him and possibly pushing him away from the undertow. Then a rope rescue from on high saved that lad who thankfully came through the ordeal safe and sound, as did the two others Kaelan had saved.
As Skip Kosciusko shared at Kaelan's Memorial Service (which is on youtube in 10 minute sections), to make such an attempt took tremendous courage and skill. Even though Kaelan reached his friend, he may have gone under when pushing him toward safety. That is what a psychic shared with us through a friend.
The overall major lesson would be sadly to realize 'you can't always go in for someone else' if it is too dangerous.  The rescue of two people would have likely not been possibly in a timely manner. These are tough lessons but ones likely meriting more review for many emergency situations whether involving fire, water or other hazards. 
If some of what transpired was meant to 'wake us up' to the risks in our natural setting, we still have time to set better guidelines and publicize those. Ideally all parents would seek to closely monitor the youth in their care, particularly after school and not allow groups of youth to be 'out and about' completely on their own. Too often 'someone or more get ideas' that do not meet basic safety standards. so why push our luck? 
All minors are the legal responsibility of those who are supervising them or should be.There should be a thorough reporting done including an interview of all parents of minors when a serious injury or a fatality occurs. This effort would help more adults feel responsible for making clear agreements with one another and youth as well as following the agreements. 
Sadly as much as restricting river access was spoken of, not all parents knew of that or honored that guideline even when reminded of concerns by another parent just before that event. The parent did not inform the school or others in rescue efforts of concerns. That is the barrier that needs to be revised.
Many were put in danger or took undue risks in a search effort. That would be another area to highlight for safety going forward. Volunteer efforts to contribute to 'community service' can be a meaningful way to make amends. Every state could have laws or at least guidelines about supervising minors and others who may need extra care. I have many ideas on and on a FB page in Kaelan's memory. Thanks to all who have helped others over the course of a lifetime, starting with supportive fathers (even if not involved or present but not antagonistic) to mothers giving birth and parents rearing children. The family, social and community networks are critical to enhance for every woman to feel supported in her choice to have a child, for all people to understand basic biology and needs for nurturing a child and to work as a community to meet those. That investment alone could prevent low birth weight and deficiencies often linked to poverty, homelessness and dangerous lifestyles that seem like 'the only option' for women who may get pregnant unintentionally or who feel they have no support yet want to keep their pregnancy in less than secure circumstances. Then there are the opportunities to provide good childcare for families who have braved having children in these times. The educational system has changed such that more neighborhood efforts (even if primarily online) could create ways for people to share in the teaching of all subjects and promote healthy eating, fitness (with short bursts of exercise or walks and working on community projects in small groups, with appropriate social distancing and more.) Creating national and even worldwide guidelines for people not to take undue risks in terms of jumping from places into water 'just because it looks possible' but is not safe and supervised (with a community setting guidelines and monitoring closely since people can get injured on impact, have other health issues that could come up and plenty more.) Many risk-takers can have an adrenalin addiction and override the 'thinking' that would generally keep one from putting oneself in danger. The reality that 'not everyone can be saved' is a harsh one to ponder, but important to help everyone feel clear that 'it's not their fault' if they cannot do the impossible or it would put them in too much danger to try. That might include going back into a burning buildings, jumping into dangerous waters (some with undertows or whitewater or with rip tides at a beach) or even searching for people without an organized effort to prevent others from being in danger or lost. Elderly and many other people who may have comprised mental health or physical abilities over time (pretty much everyone can be aware Something could be a problem that needs checking whether an infected spider bite or reaction to medication, dental infection or bump on the head, etc) that one should talk to a friend or call 211 (or 311) in the city to get advice if not sure.
Basic buddy systems to let someone know where one is everyday and throughout the day is a practice that is catching on far and wide, informally through social media and in many outreaches especially since COVID19 (where people may carry symptoms and may spread a virus unknowingly through coughs, touching things and being too close to others or sharing things others have touched.) That factor of Not Knowing What One Does Not Know has been one more have woken up to about a virus. The game plan to up one's immunity, clean surfaces and social distace sounds great and yet takes time. Likely many people in nursing homes were exposed to the virus by workers who did not realize they have the virus, so taking temperatures twice daily to catch potential symptoms early and practicing good hygiene and using PPE, Personal Protective Equipment, has risen to the helm.
The reality of having to go through all of those steps, especially in medical communities, is truly heroic and amazing. Thank you to each and every person for tuning in and doing the extra care in your own life, donating and helping others with tasks, funds and encouragement and wisdom. We are in the midst of a sweeping wave of transformation on many levels.
Others posts speak to a variety of perspectives at this time, including that by and from Eve Wilson's Riding the Wave of Change and her blog. I'll wrap this up so I can post it at the start of this Sunday on May 31st, 2020, which many traditions would say really began after sunset last night, as each 'new cycle of day does'.
Think about that and feel that we have more time (and traditions over generations) guiding us to a more comprehensible Healing Time Together. Peace, love and light with hugenergy and love from above as well, Catherine Palmer Paton (and blogger here on
Send ideas to and if interested in creating a wider network to show support in every state for people of all ages and genders, to create a more balanced playing field in life (which has the big IF  in the middle of it...) Let's take our moment and shine to encourage one another and future generations as well!

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