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Shout Out to Shelly as and the rest of the world on

Smiles and Shout Out to Shelly at Amazon: Thanks for helping me feel okay that I was not the only one without an account

on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 13:09

Starting Monday, June 29th, 2020 off with some VEN! (Very Exciting News!) Also just as cool is that I made a new friend, Shelly  at Yes, That Shelly without and 'e' before the last letter of her name...and a friendly disposition who patiently let me explain that I didn't know if I had an account from a few years ago or if I should go for Amazon Prime because what I mostly wanted was Kindle to read an Amazing Book that could change the world.

She said that we needed someone who could help the world right now and I let her in on a little secret..that Ali Storm is doing just that