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Smiles and Shout Out to Shelly at Amazon: Thanks for helping me feel okay that I was not the only one without an account

on Mon, 06/29/2020 - 13:09

Starting Monday, June 29th, 2020 off with some VEN! (Very Exciting News!) Also just as cool is that I made a new friend, Shelly  at Yes, That Shelly without and 'e' before the last letter of her name...and a friendly disposition who patiently let me explain that I didn't know if I had an account from a few years ago or if I should go for Amazon Prime because what I mostly wanted was Kindle to read an Amazing Book that could change the world.

She said that we needed someone who could help the world right now and I let her in on a little secret..that Ali Storm is doing just that with her channeled book Project One. The summary says that this time of 2020 is one of seeking balance of the energetic masculine and feminine aspects of people, starting with oneself and rippling out in waves as it were. Now that's my interpretation and I've only heard her speak a few times about it, so stay tuned. I am ordering the book with the free Kindle Unlimited trial for 30 days (then it's 10/month for access to many more titles and movies, etc.)

If I decide to upgrade my free account I would go to the 'Accounts and Lists" tab and then scroll down to find the "Prime Membership". That would be a free trial then a monthly or annual fee (I think about 120/year but I'd have to check again.)

I almost needed to reboot my basic account from the start with Shiny Shelly's help, but managed to revive on my own since she said it would be hard to verify my account since I hadn't used it in a few years. Initially I had been bumped out of logging into my account even after trying to type in a few secret codes and not giving up. That's when I took action and Made the Call and got in touch with Shelly.

I enjoyed the few minutes of waking up to this issue and the week, the last of June which turns into the first part of July on Wednesday with July 1st, 2020. I promised Shelly I'd be giving her a Shout Out and Thanks and tip that she'd have extra sparkling energy coming her way this week (and beyond!) We'll just extend that out to all at as they keep up with the requests and efforts to help people get what they need (and what they want on top of that.) 

We can keep that expansive friendly energy going out and about all of humanity and wha-la, that feeling of union and oneness is lighting up our world with all of humanity being part of the picture (or movie playing out as Real Life.) Thanks for being a shining star in the show of Life and be open to what shows up in a healing helpful way. We're going and growing into a fabulous future 'full steam ahead' with rest and easy-does-itness as part of the progression. Peace,love and light...Shine On!