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Magnetic Polar Shift

Sharing a necessary bit of info (like Major Problems We Might Want to Know About Sooner Rather Than Too-Later). Keep the faith and pace yo'selves as I am trying to do with such topics. Connect and do outreach as you can, rest and pray!

on Mon, 12/05/2016 - 15:15
The luxury of growing old is not likely what any of us will hear about, because the prospect of the climate woes, wars and other maladies likely will be getting the lion's share of our attention.
I watched a few hours on those topics...magnetic shift of the N and S poles that may happen any ol' time now (in the next couple of years, but it will happen in a week and cause tsunamis wiping out the East Coast for a couple hundred miles inland...maybe best to move 3-400 miles inland..and the West Coast doesn't fare any better though a few islands of land will be there.
 The southern Ozarks