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foster care

Tough topics, but one on the news in a timely way... To think about pregnancy and unintended or unwanted pregnancies or not... that's a big first part of the question

on Wed, 05/15/2019 - 17:03

This difficult topic needs discussion on all levels by all people... so I am sharing this to get more people up to speed on the challenges people are facing in many areas of their lives.. Unintended pregnancies account for many pregnancies..Ideally every community would make birth control available to all of their young people and screen everyone for safety so women are not being pressured into staying in relationships or having intimacy or sex (the two are not the same in many cases) more than they really feel they can, really want or can figure out.

There is a lot to learn from the

In Arizona (or pick your state), when a well-established set of youth are forced back to their biological family when there was no reason to do so after many years

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 16:28
These are challenging times on many fronts. I think the general public really has to become curious about what is going on in their state and the country. There are layers of wrongdoing in many areas, and while the truth about crimes should be clear to learn of or trace, that is not always the case.
Many families need interventions early on to prevent the immediate removal of children, especially longterm or permanently. In custody battles, many unsafe fathers are gaining ground. Many mothers have to allow for shared parenting or unsupervised time when that is a danger.
But what