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In Arizona (or pick your state), when a well-established set of youth are forced back to their biological family when there was no reason to do so after many years

on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 16:28
These are challenging times on many fronts. I think the general public really has to become curious about what is going on in their state and the country. There are layers of wrongdoing in many areas, and while the truth about crimes should be clear to learn of or trace, that is not always the case.
Many families need interventions early on to prevent the immediate removal of children, especially longterm or permanently. In custody battles, many unsafe fathers are gaining ground. Many mothers have to allow for shared parenting or unsupervised time when that is a danger.
But what leads kids to land in foster care or adoption? Is the criteria clear? Unfortunately many are taken when they shouldn't be (and historically the link to abuse has been covered over.) Thankfully there are wonderful foster and adoptive families, and maybe just like biological ones, there are some horror stories no one ever learns about or can have an intervention for...
That's the kind of 'overall interest' I think we need to begin with. The systems trying to correct themselves here and there without oversight can lead to calamities.
At least you are letting us know of this case where another kind of injustice is happening...a good foster, adoptive family losing access to their child, a major reversal which maybe does not have to be the 'end of the story' if the youth can advocate for himself or let key people know his perspective.
In response to a caring foster mother who adopted a few kids sharing of another family's problem--having a decision reversed at the whim of a new case worker to remove their three foster or even adopted children from a long-term caring home situation to re-establish a family connection which happened in this case to be with a Native community, I wrote the following on FB, Facebook.

Whatever particulars of a situation one hears about (or even finds oneself in) regarding the laws of the land or any agency with authority or system one is involved with (legal, religious, school, political, cultural, familial etc) Others likely are experiencing similar things and often their is no insight or oversight as to how things are unfolding.

A basic timeline of months, years and even decades should be established. If things are changed 'overnight' when something has been in place and working well for years or decades, things should not be upset without due cause. Yet that is happening often due to 'a new law, a new agency regulation, a new person in charge making decisions or even a person in the game 'changing their views or behaviors'. When something is violent or criminal, then laws likely are being broken, but in civilian matters that is murky territory at best.

Who calls the shots often depends on their position or 'another set of regulations or guidelines'. No one may really know What those are, or Who gets to use them in what manner, but those are the Reasons given. Many a crime or wrongdoing can them be 'put through the wash' so that becomes the new normal or 'right action' (legally or even socially in some circles, but not ethically or intelligently with informed capable people weighing in.)

We have many smokescreens and behind the scenes CRIMES Against Humanity Happening in Courts and Child Protective Systems and even schools and faith circles..and it's all labeled not only 'business as usual' but profitable and legally sacrosanct (meaning legal or not up for discussion.) That often is followed with gag orders to make inquiries.

The most vulnerable in the systems (and in the general public) are infants and those not in school. Let's hope we can all really tune in so no one is going through their roller-coaster nightmare alone or being blamed or silenced for trying to let others know what the Problems Are...

These are challenging times on many fronts. I think the general public really has to become curious about what is going on in their state and the country. There are layers of wrongdoing in many areas, and while the truth about crimes should be clear to learn of or trace, that is not always the case.
Many families need interventions early on to prevent the immediate removal of children, especially longterm or permanently. In custody battles, many unsafe fathers are gaining ground. Many mothers have to allow for shared parenting or unsupervised time when that is a danger.
But what leads kids to land in foster care or adoption? Is the criteria clear? Unfortunately many are taken when they shouldn't be (and historically the link to abuse has been covered over.) Thankfully there are wonderful foster and adoptive families, and maybe just like biological ones, there are some horror stories no one ever learns about or can have an intervention for...
That's the kind of 'overall interest' I think we need to begin with. The systems trying to correct themselves here and there without oversight can lead to calamities.
At least a wise, caring friend let us know on facebok of a case where another kind of injustice is happening...a good foster, adoptive family losing access to their child, a major reversal which maybe does not have to be the 'end of the story' if the youth can advocate for himself or let key people know his perspective.
The most vulnerable in the systems (and in the general public) are infants and those not in school. Let's hope we can all really tune in so no one is going through their roller-coaster nightmare alone or being blamed or silenced for trying to let others know what the Problems Are...The Money Trail of the many millions of dollars being shuffled about along with the kids (too often a school to prison pipeline, but courts and protective services get a good cut too) likely explains the inexplicable. Then there are curve balls where good families are losing their biological kids, foster kids and others when they should not. More oversight from independent watch groups are needed.
Even medical procedures can be grounds for taking parental control away, and while that may make sense in some cases, that is not a given. And when do people learn they need to think about such situations...usually when it's too late to figure out what to do. Hope we can do better for the next waves of kids showing up on plan-it heart. More women could help women, moms help moms (and women help moms too, please)...and yes good guys help others and the not-so-happy camper males or females get help to keep life from being too complicated or profitable for corrupt systems...Thanks a bundle. Now back to your regular scheduled programming...

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