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Finding Ways to Enjoy the Ride of Life and Driving to Boot!--Hint Slow Down and Plan Ahead!

For All You Wild and Crazy Drivers Out There, "Please Slow Down" (from many a person but especially Moms with young kiddos) Also Keep Bigger Space Cushions on the Highways and Watch Closely for surprise stops When Changing Lanes, Merging or Turning etc...

on Fri, 10/08/2021 - 21:11

Speeding is likely part of a bigger problem that the person is oblivious to...and I cover a lot of ideas in some posts on my blog. Basically let's put together our best tips for getting from Point A to Point B in timely, manageable ways. 

Some people never plan a cushion of time (I say half hour per child to get ready for instance...or at least ten minutes if it's a local routine run. Factor in extra time if it's dark, windy, rainy, snowy, really sunny and driving into the sun etc.