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Figuring Stuff Out or Not...just letting this Be and Arise to Assist one in the Next thing to do or say...or action not to take!

Pondering Big Possibilities, Anyone? How About there is a another set of Six Planets rotating around each other about 100 M light years away

on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 14:54

I need to google more about the six planets about 100 M lightyears away from our planet heart (Earth) that are rotating around each other that I read about recently in the 11/03/2023 issue of The Week (The Best of the U.S. and International Media) magazine.

Some people into their 90s have read this for eons and conquer crossword puzzles like some crave potato chips so keep in mind our brains do not just go down the tubes because we keep circling the sun....Hopefully we can be inspired by the idea of the planets rotating for millions of years rather consistently to trust we humans can also