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Pondering Big Possibilities, Anyone? How About there is a another set of Six Planets rotating around each other about 100 M light years away

on Sat, 06/15/2024 - 14:54

I need to google more about the six planets about 100 M lightyears away from our planet heart (Earth) that are rotating around each other that I read about recently in the 11/03/2023 issue of The Week (The Best of the U.S. and International Media) magazine.

Some people into their 90s have read this for eons and conquer crossword puzzles like some crave potato chips so keep in mind our brains do not just go down the tubes because we keep circling the sun....Hopefully we can be inspired by the idea of the planets rotating for millions of years rather consistently to trust we humans can also maintain our equilibrium and good health as a species, groups of people and individuals.

We really do need help the first dozen years or so to survive then things seem to be set up for 'every person for themselves.' I saw the movie Ezra which spotlights the need to understand that people can be a mixed bag of tricks and not always 'playing by the rules of the road and society..' and there's not much room for folks to run free or be free. Medicating people is the 'solution du jour' often before other approaches are tried.

I hope we can all think on the topics that movie and many others such as people needing extra care and support in communities that do not have many able or willing to do that for free or even for pay. There could be more fluidity among those with the skills and motivation (for free or paid work, credit or option to do community service etc) to learn the skills and assist with as much as makes sense. Indirect care in the field of housekeeping, groundscare and gardening (even to grow food and allow others that opportunity to plant or harvest edible food and herbs) and much more could take the pressure off of a few having to do more than is reasonable or absolutely necessary.

 Uplifting Music and mini-breaks can help with 'all of the above also.' I'm sharing ideas here on many levels so 'fasten your seat belts' and just read a bit at a time as I do shift gears and topics a bit along the way.

I don't revise so this blog is a lot like the first draft or journal from days of old from when a grade school teacher said 'just fill a few pages a day',no judgements or critiques...and he put in a few comments and once said to someone 'seems like a lot of violence in this short story someone wrote that was prompted by the lyrics of a song"..."

The person took it to mean he thought they were saying something bad or wrong and he explained what Constructive Criticism was in terms of looking at the writing and not as the person or saying they were going to do something inappropriate...That was the gist of it but overall now that I think of it with modern concerns, that story might have gotten flagged for a mental health eval etc.

Peter Roth of is sharing the idea now that 'What's Next?" is the question to allow for more people...not what I need, I'm stuck...consider 'everything is perfectly where we need''s okay to feel that 'everything may need changing' and do something important...but tune in with a strong sense of feeling in sync with each moment... "Trying to Just Be' may indicate lack.

I know that's a bit confusing but I'm sharing what they are's way more profound being a human being but we mainly can feel 'too busy think about it.'

Like eating breakfast when one feels hungry and trusting in general that it is where we need to be to 'anchor us and help us tune into our feelings...' That said I'll share that someone posted pictures on Northwest Corner Chatter (of CT) of beautiful rainbows in Sharon CT with descriptions of how great the colors were and even hearing and seeing that I felt the flow of love from above...from not only Kaelan but the many in spirit from my family and friends (as Rudolf Steiner suggests is who we really can hear from best if not exclusively..those we have known in our lifetime if I am recalling that theory...)

So let's ponder the many Possibilities...the other Big Idea we could ponder is that we may incarnate the very day we die (Tibetan theory...) and Steiner suggests it is about a third of our lifetime later, so Kaelan 'dying' on 6/16/ 2009 may have reincarnated on that day or shortly thereafter (within a few days or one week to the next of within 7 weeks or on April 1st and so on... or with the Steiner view more like in 2015...)

Some say sould reincarnate in their family (and friends?) circles from this lifetime or prior now we're going Exponential in the possibilities of who we each is especially relative to those in our family or origin and otherwise..adopted, foster care or otherwise reared by certain people. Peter Roth and some say 'however it worked out is what was in divine order' for our soul's education...and we are part of nature which also has it's own legacy and soul. So much is playing out to observe and take in, especially life unfolding... like mother birds literally fighting over food in one's mouth to feed their baby birds.

I can hear many say 'every mother bird needs to get her own birds some food..' yet it may have been the case that the stronger mother would win out (either defend or obtain the food) and maybe one mother bird was encouraging her baby to fly off since it seemed it was too hard for her to keep trying to feed her offspring on her own, especially with attackers. I have seen a hawk attach a next of baby birds and the mother bird could not defend against that.

Along with dreams of flying monkey legal judges in black robes many years ago, I felt there was a message that safe, caring mothers or fathers or other caregivers, cannot do enough on their own if there are patterns of corruption and denial of broken systems or bullies or 'off kilter' people or programs. So letting everything speak to us, to hug trees and trust in the healing and spirit of greater love (by the name that rings true or if there's a sense that it needs to be a certain one, due to a real healing or ongoing struggle etc, that is all important for each part of our world to discuss... Comparative World Views was a class I took at Vassar College with Walter Fairservis. In small groups we read excerpts from many great works and discussed 'do these people view the world as run by a deity or higher power and if so is it one force or many (a monotheistic god or deity or polytheistic set of deities.)

The next question was how did that power influence the rulership or government of the area (part of the world, country, region, faith, politics and so on?)

What role did any human then play as a person...was their a Divine Right of Kings or Some royalty or higher ruling person/ people/ group (think Pope, King or Queen, Military Leader/s and so on) and a Great Chain of Being (such as in Shakespearean times where each person knew there were classes and to which they belonged...and if they toyed with getting out of line..that could upset the divine or legal/ just respect paid to one's position and not much ambition to break into another class. The Hindu Class system is along these lines where one is 'born into one's caste' and it's considered karma to live accordingly whether cleaning latrines or being a mother and obedient wife (which sadly traditionally could include in some faiths being put in the funeral pyre of one's husband to maintain the connection or honor him or acknowledge the end of one's meaningful role...I need to review that for sure...) The overall idea of two people joining together for life 'til death do we part' is rather complex and really could benefit from a deeper understanding of what each person is thinking that means (and yes a lot about that could be put in writing and take the year many suggest to Think it over since Love is a drug and many cannot think straight or understand what they are signing up for longterm...)

There could be accountability teams of support (for finance, roles of caregiving, housework and much more) to help each person stay 'on the same page or in the same chapter or book...' and especially if they have pets and/or children or others they agree to care for (relatives, friends and other youth in the family or circles) understand the kind of supervised and monitored interactions that could maintain connection (letters, cards, online visits, in public places and so on rather than just across the board, any interaction that pops up and let matters take their course...)

Clarifying the safety plans and appropriate ways for each person to sign onto caring for oneself and others is a good place to start and not have some beholden to overextend themselves for no particular reason...hopefuly with a community ready to figure out 24-7 free care for all youth and any others who need support for safety and nurturing with good food, fresh air, exercise and social times even if mainly in a small local area or at home or in a care facility (assisted living or nursing home or hospital...)

There is a great need to address and many could benefit from helping a little or a bit more. AI could map out ways to do this and keep track of whose who, what's what and what is done or needed in terms of scheduling, showing up and verifying in writing text if not video the basics of what was done (on location, not after the fact...)

Keeping track of time for wages or other reasons should be well tracked on a system that can be readily accessed by each worker to prove one's earnings and have a clear record of what is paid and what is due (even with legal caregiver agreements and more to clarify from before starting care for one or more people in a family or area with the proper oversight in each state, some of which may require an attorney to draft and others may be needing to be notarized with two witnesses etc.

(This is Not legal or financial advice, just in general info but good to look up online and see some videos etc such as on Much like a Power of Attorney which everyone over 18 should have in place (and more modern terms clarified in each state and stay updated every few years etc to make sure people in that role are still able to do that.)

Okay thanks to all figuring out a lot of basics..this is what seemed to call to me and I share a lot more on and with links to a game about permaculture design process that can help with many projects to let people and the planet help each others and share resources and more. See for more on that too!

Best to all and the summer solstice is coming our way with many planning more peace and shared success by feeling into that vibe with their tribe (those they know and will meet online or in person, hopefully both with good accountability and oversight.)

Thank you for sharing...this is the time of year when our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton who on 6/16/2009 journeyed beyond the rainbow but there were quite a few around the time of his passing at the falls and in the area.

(His memorial service is on which many shared reflections, mucis and a picnic a month after his passing when helping save his three friends, who thankfully all survived and are in their 30s now.)

Many lean into the possibility and 'sign' that they are encouraging us to see 'the invisible ways the greater love' comes from on high to give us hope and promote healing and goodness...let's trust the messages that explore that such as the folks on with the podcast Energy Stew with Peter Roth (and free meditations on Sat. AMs with )

She shares( based on science) that the lei lines of the earth are expanding and thus helping humanity become more intuitive and in sync with shedding light on truth and love, healing and shifting to become beings of light.

Unfortunately the transition may look like many old systems breaking down yet also helps us open our hearts to become more in humanity with the higher self-love and care in balance with others seeking that. Thanks again for the prompt and reminder to keep in a more grateful healing vibe.