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FB Fundraiser for Water Safety and Scholarship donation in teen hero Kaelan Paton's memory

FB Fundraiser, Remembering Kaelan Palmer Paton's Legacy (of Sharon CT): Thanks for Caring and Thanks for Sharin'!

on Thu, 08/22/2019 - 03:50
This summer of 2019 has 'flown by' but sadly not without some turbulence and challenges for our local and wider areas..Some even involving unusual drownings which likely are a huge reminder to everyone to 'be careful around water, high places and trails near water, and much more.'
I cover some of the situations on and as it turned out, I knew one person's family rather well from our area and I knew the location of the other situation, since it was the same area our son marked his final moments on earth.
That person seemed to lose his balance, get injured and fall into the