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Envisioning Great Possibilities and Teamwork to Address Realities and Ways to work together on all levels

Climate Change Tips for a Brighter Safer Path and Sense of Team plus talk of Babes and Blessings

on Sat, 02/06/2021 - 16:07
A friend and I got talking about unusual births from the past. I shared that I had heard of a the four identicals that happened in Canada not too long ago, all girls by the way...and she said there was a case in the 1930s of 5 identicals so I'll look that up...My friend Karen Cochran is writing a book about some Siamese twins from last century who sang harmoniously and got along well.
 I always think if folks like that can get along with one another, how hard can it be for people who are not literally joined together...Some twins Linnea's age in WI I think made me ponder that when I read