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Election Day

"All Your Bright Tomorrows, Begin with a Single Step, a Single Step..All Your Bright Tomorrows Begin TODAY!" Go NYC 1/2 Marathon (and ALL who Brave a Full 26 mi Marathon too! 11-6-16)

on Sun, 11/06/2016 - 11:55

Hello and Hugs on the Day of the NYC Marathon (It's a half Marathon someone told me Who I realized later didn't understand that 26 miles is a Full there IS A FULL Marathon and a half one of 13 miles, hurrah)...very cool, and it all starts in Staten Island and went North, with the grand finale in Central Park..but check the map.)

Hope you have a special day and can feel the energy..and feel the love from US-All whatever folks are people are doing ...

from cool plays to Maker Thing Faires, to walks in the park or taking care of themselves and othes with honesty and some attention