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"All Your Bright Tomorrows, Begin with a Single Step, a Single Step..All Your Bright Tomorrows Begin TODAY!" Go NYC 1/2 Marathon (and ALL who Brave a Full 26 mi Marathon too! 11-6-16)

on Sun, 11/06/2016 - 11:55

Hello and Hugs on the Day of the NYC Marathon (It's a half Marathon someone told me Who I realized later didn't understand that 26 miles is a Full there IS A FULL Marathon and a half one of 13 miles, hurrah)...very cool, and it all starts in Staten Island and went North, with the grand finale in Central Park..but check the map.)

Hope you have a special day and can feel the energy..and feel the love from US-All whatever folks are people are doing ...

from cool plays to Maker Thing Faires, to walks in the park or taking care of themselves and othes with honesty and some attention to 'what needs to get done' so one can reward oneself with 'the fun stuff' (a strategy that could help more folks who prefer to do only the cool stuff, see books by Ed Hallowell for ways to keep life and one's energy in balance. I do think there are plenty of ideas to share from many cultures along those lines.


(First check with your doctor and a couple of more savvy folks in your own circles or the store clerks too and read the directions and contraindications if trying 'natural over the counter stuff.. not always without side effects or negative interactions with other meds or on conditions.

.Someone told me about kimu-kimu (and to get a brand with Naturals in the name) from Whole Foods to consider to help ease anxiety should someone have that and want to take 'something natural'.


I was asking an herbalist about ideas for a friend (but any of us could be prone to that or panic attacks etc and need to consider the possible root causes, both in terms of thoughts and feelings, triggers or techniques (maybe letting someone know at least by phone or online, and have someone nearby to help if possible, go to a place near folks and think of breathing slowly, counting to four on the inhale and another four on the exhale...) to resolve alongside other measures as needed.


Okay, back to the Hugs..give yourself one and consider yourself hugged by me who got to have one from James Lu (worth a google) on the subway (yes with dozens of folks around not likely having the time or energy to applaud his efforts as a 78-year-young runner of the NYC half-Marathon..which he said his time was in the 5 and a half hour range and less. with love from those above too, since many theories say they are cheering us on during our earthly journeys..and yes from the Divine whose also on our side if we can allow for that.

Seeing the musical Carrie which was scary on many levels since it speaks to bullying (in school and yes even at home, even with a severity of punishment by a 'loving religious mother' who ends Carrie's life 'not suffering a witch to live'...and sadly with 'honor' killings (which we don't hear enough about but as one radio speaker on feminism pointed out, we hear of more than of domestic violence victims in this country...

That was on Alternative Radio on 10-31-16. Okay back to the positive wave that's about to be unleashed with the thousands running the marathon.. may we all have a mahrvelous day and bring positivity to Election Day too.

I know some folks are going to PA to help drive voters to the polls since they do not allow for early voting, who knew that was legal to not allow for that?! Thanks to all going the extra mile or tending to matters at home to see each day though with peace and gratitude..and Big Love

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