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Democratic POTUS2020 for Climate Change Activism

From Woofstock to the Democratic Presidential Candidate in the White House in 2020, Gotta Plan to Win Now! No Bow-wows about it!

on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 13:49
This Woofstock event to help raise funds for dogs in need in Pittsfield MA happens on Sept 8th, 2019, see details at the
I hope more can be inspired to join in and host something similar in their state and local area. Our four-legged friends are counting on US All and are informing our experiences on many levels. See Dr. Laurie Moore online for her books and amazing insights about animals...
Thanks for sharing this post...and by the way, The US Democratic Presidential Candidates Need to Make Big Numbers ($500K by Aug 28th, 2019) and earn points in polls to