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From Woofstock to the Democratic Presidential Candidate in the White House in 2020, Gotta Plan to Win Now! No Bow-wows about it!

on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 13:49
This Woofstock event to help raise funds for dogs in need in Pittsfield MA happens on Sept 8th, 2019, see details at the
I hope more can be inspired to join in and host something similar in their state and local area. Our four-legged friends are counting on US All and are informing our experiences on many levels. See Dr. Laurie Moore online for her books and amazing insights about animals...
Thanks for sharing this post...and by the way, The US Democratic Presidential Candidates Need to Make Big Numbers ($500K by Aug 28th, 2019) and earn points in polls to be in the next debates.
Learn what Marianne2020 is sharing and help hold other contenders to GREAT standards of Generosity, Responsibility, Excellence, Ability and Trust to Make People, the Plan-It and America Great Again!.
Marianne Williamson is will offer an event in NYC at The Roxy on Aug 28th at 6:30pm. Minimum tix are 250 but maybe a few folks can pitch in to have someone from their state, group etc attend and make history for our critical times. See more on
In 2009 our heroic teen son Kaelan faced a harrowing decisions seeing his friends caught in whitewater currents. His memorial is on youtube in short segments, and a FB tribute fundraiser marking 10 years later is still up, Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's Legacy, as is a piece about that day with a similar title.)
Kaelan Paton showed tremendous courage and effort in his final moments on earth in dire circumstances trying to save a third friend after rescuing two others while still on land.
That can echo in our hearts and minds today to stay calm in times of difficulty, be brave to ask for help or to walk away from danger (especially if an unstable person or great forces may claim one's life or complicate a matter further.
These are things we need to practice. Similarly the contentious political times should call forth everyone's utmost attention and care to become involved 'while there is still hope and a chance to save our planet.'
'Never Give Up' can mean going beyond what one may even dream or have time to consider as possible.
He did his utmost and likely gave his friend hope to do his best. He reached that third friend in peril and may have been instrumental in pushing him away from devastating currents and undertows caused by the falls just above where they were jumping into the Housatonic River near the MA/ CT border in Salisbury/ Falls Village CT.
The analogy of being in an emergency of a personal, natural or other crisis-caused nature (health, breathing difficulty, a labor or other condition going awry) is one that has played out in headlines and personal stories of tragedies and 'close calls' or serious consequences. We are seeing how we need to Pay Attention to the details of rules and reality (roles, responsibilities and response-abilities including preventing problems and de-escalating conflicts and minimizing risk and danger.)
Leaving the problems to a few in leadership roles needs to change. That's something that Dan Rather shared in a talk at Hotchkiss School a couple decades ago. I hope to catch up with his next talk in Brooklyn NY at St. Joseph's College in Brooklyn NY. But with the internet, the power of the people is starting to flex its muscle and plug in the brain strategies and even the spiritual or energetic ties to one another and possibly 'higher caring realms' (and even unfortunately others that could be the counter point.)
IF there is a quantum or energetic reality and even driving force to our very beings and interactions, that may be the magic 'wild card' that could help Save the Planet...Then we would have time to work out the many details we are facing in terms of 'too little, too late' as the way to get people back on track, out of the dangerous currents or other ditches their health, lack of wealth, misunderstandings or lack of support may leave them in .
Wrapping this note in a bottle up and getting ready to toss it into the cyberwaves to it can find safe harbor in many hearts and minds...and make an 11th hour or 'final inning' miracle happen (along with millions of others waking up such as Eve Wilson and David Adelson describe online among many others. ) Good luck tuning in before it's too late (for US All...) Best to all and don't forget to Rest (and Respect yourself and others in balanced ways. Be brave to journal what you are feeling, thinking, experiencing, remembering and so forth daily, as though you were making a movie of yourself as a character or actor in a play.
Then for fun, consider What IF you didn't feel or believe that way, what if something happened to get you consider it was more of a dream...whether in the past or present. What were the other people doing or experiencing (whether intentionally or by chance...due to culture or family or prior training or imprinting.) No need to 'dismiss or label anything' as not worth of consideration. But dig a little deeper and see what core values, needs, and boundaries were being put to a test or pushed? Sometimes clarification is needed.
Adults are supposed to monitor the legal and reasonable boundaries of what minors do in terms of safe respectful communication and actions and outings. That can often fall by the wayside, and pushing limits takes on new meanings with each generation. Likely that needs clarifying with hopes that youth would step into a more reasonable partnership and 'not push their luck' and that of people wanting to help or even rescue them. There are limits to what can be done to get someone out of a dicey or even lethal situation.
But the kind of planning and agreeing to play it safer and be accountable is another kind of exciting game with great pay offs...Staying in the game of life and challenging oneself and others to be good team players and discover and develop many talents and smarts and abilities. So no one should feel less than or like a loser. We are all 'winning spirits' when we play with a sense of fairness and respect. Thanks for pushing now for a political system that can echo those values around the world since we share one planet in a great part of the galaxy, barring any asteroid strikes...
Okay let's think positively now...and pitch in for a more equitable, sustainable system...and nice home team efforts too, near and far. Thanks for doing your part and giving yourself credit and breaks along the way, keeping up with safety for your cars, kids, pets, people in your circles and area and the online groups too where a lot of rubber meets the roads and creates new ones too.

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