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The Commons in Brooklyn NY

Brooklyn Permaculture, Google for more meetings and details on (lots of other cool gatherings too in most areas)

on Wed, 03/15/2017 - 22:44

Brooklyn NY is fortunate to have Andrew Faust providing steady gathering opportunities for all people to learn about helping themselves and the Plan-It Earth while we have window of opportunity. Lots to learn online or in person at monthly meet-ups in Brooklyn NY, generally at The Commons from 7-9pm on the third Friday. Permaculture Basics is offered for more in-depth studies (again some info and options online so don't worry if you're not in the North East.) Thanks for doing your part to live simply and network with a team of support to get more done with the resources you have.

A Plug for Democracy at Work New York! Plus Program offerings at The Commons in Brooklyn NY!

on Sun, 09/18/2016 - 18:05

Here is a public service announcement: has info about its programs so check it out and get inspired which I am doing. I picked up a flyer at The Commons at 388 Atlantic Ave in Brooklyn NY (near Hoyt and Bond St.)

Find out some basics about the amazing few-story building with a cafe and open space room as well as rooftop garden and other features (and locale of radio station) on their website. Permaculture NY meets there on the 3rd Friday of the month with additional offerings such as Permaculture Basics (starting soon for about $1100) and other workshops as well.
